True spirit of Christmas

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj
The basis of Christmas is, of course, the celebration of the birth of Christ; although in reality saints are beyond the cycle of birth and death. At this time of year let us turn our hearts and souls to the significance of the life and teachings of Christ.
Being one with the Father, Christ embodied all virtues. He was an epitome of love, forgiveness &humility. He represented full flowering of God’s love in the world. Indeed, if forgiveness can be defined as the perfume that flowers breathe when they are trampled upon, then he was averitable garden of divine fragrance. Hislove encompassed all, and he embraced all. Humility was his adornment. Like one the greatest Urdu Poets of past century has said
“Humility and love are the priceless gifts of God-realization;
Humility is the be-all, and love is the end-all of the spiritual path. ” -SantDarshan Singh JiMaharaj
It is love which opens our hearts to share in the suffering and joys of others. And it is humility which inspires us to reach out to the lowly and the poor, the forsaken and the forgotten. It is not the magnitude of our acts of loving-kindness that ultimately matters. It is the sincerity with which they are offered.
There is an actual incident which took place in a small church school which demonstrates the true meaning of humility and sincere love. Every year the church school put on a Christmas play and the children played parts connected with the story of the birth of Christ. One friendly young boy who was about seven years old was to play the part of the innkeeper at Bethlehem who turned Joseph and Mary away and forced them to take shelter in a stable where Jesus was born. His teacher told him to say his one line in a harsh tone: “There is no room at the inn.” But for two weeks the boy had trouble doing so. Finally, the big night arrived. His family and friends in the audience beamed with pride when he boomed: “There is no room at the inn.” But when the children playing Mary and Joseph turned away with sad faces, the boy couldn’t resist adding, “But come in anyway and have some cookies and milk.”
As we celebrate Christmas, let us do so in a spirit as open-hearted as that boy. If we but develop the eyes to see, we will find that every day is filled with opportunities to express love and compassion, and to perform acts of kindness which can bring joy to those around us. Every day is filled with opportunities to spread the fragrance of forgiveness and apply the balm of soothing words.
Those who are rich may possess everything, but if they lack love they are poor, destitute. So to give love consciously is not only a panacea for the hardships, the torments of modern life, it is an enriching experience for the giver also.It enriches the giver as well as the receiver; we all grow. So let’s celebrate this Christmas with its true spirit of love, humility and forgiveness. Merry Christmas!