Trump Says Federal Government Should Seek Death Penalty For Boston Bomber

WASHINGTON, Aug 3: US President Donald Trump says the federal government must seek the death penalty for Boston marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

“Rarely has anybody deserved the death penalty more than the Boston Bomber, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. The court agreed that this ‘was one of the worst domestic terrorist attacks since the 9/11 atrocities’. Yet the appellate court tossed out the death sentence. So many lives lost and ruined. The Federal Government must again seek the Death Penalty in a do-over of that chapter of the original trial,” Trump wrote on Twitter on Sunday.

On Friday, a federal appeals court in Boston ordered that three of Tsarnaev’s convictions be reversed, his death penalty scrapped and a new penalty trial ordered.

“Our Country cannot let the appellate decision stand. Also, it is ridiculous that this process is taking so long!” Trump said on Twitter on Sunday.

Because the remaining convictions were affirmed and Tsarnaev has not challenged the life sentences he will remain confined to prison for the rest of his life with the only remaining question being whether the government will execute him.

The Boston Marathon bombing on April 15, 2013, killed three people and injured hundreds of others. Dzhokhar and his older brother Tamerlan were found guilty of the attack. Tamerlan was killed by police while on the run on April 19 of the same year, while Dzhokhar was arrested the following day and sentenced to death by lethal injection in May 2015.



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