Trump says Soleimani was planning attacks on 4 US embassies

WASHINGTON, Jan 11: President Donald Trump in an interview with Fox News said that top Iranian commander Qasem Soleimani was plotting attacks on four American embassies in the Middle East region before being assassinated by US forces. “I can reveal that I believe it probably would’ve been four embassies,” Trump said when asked whether large-scale attacks were planned against other embassies. Trump said the US Embassy in Baghdad was one of the likely targets. Trump administration officials have said the United States took action to kill Soleimani because of intelligence he was plotting an attack on facilities hosting American diplomats and troops in the Middle East. US-Iranian relations eroded further after a drone attack in Baghdad ordered by Trump killed Iranian Quds Force commander Soleimani last week. Iran retaliated on Wednesday by firing missiles at the Iraqi bases hosting American forces. No one was injured as a result of the attack, according to Washington. In response to Iran’s missile attacks, the US administration earlier on Friday announced new sanctions on Iran, designating eight senior Iranian officials involved in the attack and 17 Iranian steel and iron companies. (AGENCIES)