Tuition ban

This has reference to the letters regarding tuition ban published in this paper on Nov 23. The contrary views by authors highlights the malaise with which education sector is afflicted . Since education being quite important for progress of the society, it should invite attention of all the stakeholders-teachers officials and parents.
In its wisdom, Govt imposed the ban on tuitions, to improve the standard of education in the State. The intention is noble, so it should be appreciated. But the ban seems to have been imposed in a hurry and without much deliberations. It seems that Government has not pondered over the failure of the bans that  were imposed earlier also. Had those failures been taken into account, the present situation would not have arisen.
The ban is not going to do any good to the students community rather it would benefit and strengthen the hold of private  tutorials and big sharaks in education field who like private schools are charging exorbitant fees from students on one  pretext or the other. Though fees hike may  not affect well to do families but it certainly will have adverse effects on middle and low class parents who have to shell a hefty sum on education of their children. Earlier, the students would receive standard education in nearby tuition centres, though not air-conditioned or well furnished, at nominal fees. The beneficiaries were both the teachers and the students.
Besides, tuition classes were run mostly after or before school hours. If any teacher would conduct the same in school hours, it was certainly an act of  offence, and should have been dealt according  to law and land by the concerned authority. And it is the responsibility of the head of the staff.
Now, what about the fate of students who have been left in the middle of the session by the  teachers. Shall they knock the doors of judiciary or big private tutorials or would they attend their syllabus. The Government while taking the decision has not taken this fact into consideration.
Yours etc…
Sudesh Sharma