Tunnel project imbroglio

The Project Developer, M/s IL&FS Transportation Network Limited and Contractor M/s Leighton Contractor (India) Pvt Ltd, working on Rs 2519 crore Chenani-Nashri tunnel project, are learned to have locked horns for the last three months on the issues of alleged over-billing. September floods are reported to have stirred the controversy over billing issue. The work has been stopped and the Project Developer is reported to be looking for a new contractor. The project is part of 4-laning of NH1A, which is already underway except for the stretch of the tunnel.
It is strange that the State authorities seem to have no control on the execution of so prestigious a project. How come that a row over the wages and payment should lead to the suspension of work for a number of weeks? The question one would like to ask is whether there is no mechanism in which the Government could exercise control and authority in case of any obstruction in the execution of the project? Why does it happen so often that our contracts run into difficulty or technical of execution snags? Chenani -Nashri tunnel is a very important project for the entire State. The purpose of undertaking this project was to avoid frequent road blockade of the National Highway along this 18 kilometer tract where landslides and mudslides often block the Highway for days at end. The completion of this tunnel has already run into delay and now with suspension of work owing to a dispute means indefinite suspension of the work. This is not acceptable. The State Government and the PWD should immediately intervene and resolve the deadlock. We cannot wait indefinitely for the tunnel to become functional. It adversely affects State’s economy, tourism, and transportation.