Turn border into ‘Line of Fate’

O P Sharma

Name of book : Wahge Aahli Lakir
Author : Yashpal Sharma &
Popinder Singh
Publisher : Nidhi Publications, Jammu
Year : 2014
Pages : 94
Price : Rs 200

The book ” Wahge Aahli Lakir” is Dogri version of Dr S S Chena’s book in Punjabi which has been ably translated by noted Dogri writer Yashpal Sharma Nirmal and Popinder Singh Parasand and published by publication house,of Jammu.
The focus of the book is on the pangs of Partition which led to untold hardships and miseries to lakh of people. There was great tragedy with blood-bath and mass influx of refugees on the either side of the border in India as well as Pakistan. This unfortunate line was designed and drawn by the British rulers of undivided India prior to independence.
Creative Translation
The 1947-Partition resulted in havoc then and the border became perpetual line of conflict casting dark shadows on the permanent peaceful co-existence. Through concerted efforts and deep understanding, the border could be transformed into a ” line of destiny and fate” through mutual trust and confidence for giving a chance to permanent peace and friendly neighbours .
Eminent Dr SS Cheena wrote a book in Punjabi which held a sway among the people. Yashpal Sharma and Popinder Singh have done a service to the Dogri readership by translating Dr SS Cheena’s vivid detailed account of the after effects of the Division .
Graphic Accounts
The book comprises of 14 chapters with historical perspective as also word by Dr SS Cheena who has exercised his creative faculty and penned down the story-line in the experiences of the partition. The chapters are: Taeh di Nihani, Apni Dhati di Khich, Pradhan Manri Da Jamati, Hawan Te Farishtey, Sarhad Thama Labda Aapna Gran, Donne Paseya Sukh Mangne Aale Lok, Multan De Aamb, Phee Oo Lok Kon Hey ? Batware Ne Dharam Bhi Badli Ooday and so on. These short stories are tales of pangs of 1947- Partition, its after ill- effects and subsequent memories which will move all hearts.
It is noteworthy that while during the 1947- Partition there was communal frenzy of worst type, it is praiseworthy that there was communal harmony with Hindu-Muslim-Sikh unity despite worst provocations from across the border. The leadership of Jammu and Kashmir kept aloft the banner of communal amity and presented a golden example to which Mahatma Gandhi has seen ” a ray of hope” when the entire subcontinent was engulfed in darkness.
Golden Example
This Dogri book under review would refresh the old memories and re-affirm the people to leave behind all traces of hatred and heal the wounds inflicted on fair face of humanity. Let ud move forward for trust and goodwill for peace and prosperity on both sides of the border.
Interesting Book
It is heartening feature that admirable classic works in other languages—India or foreign— are duly translated in Dogri for the knowledge. This step would certainly add to the literature of our mother-tongue. Such endeavours would enrich the Dogri language and its literature. When the Dogri is growing both in size and stature, it is essential that our writers dive deep into the ocean of knowledge and pick up “pearls of wisdom” and present them to the readership of Dogri.
The “Wahge Aahkli Lakir” is having good get up and makes an absorbing reading with interesting and instructive narration written in chaste Dogri language. The book is worth the tine and money spent on it and it is expected that it will be read with pleasure and profit by all the citizens, especially the younger generation.
(Starline Syndicate Service)