TV v/s Smart Phone

J S Kamra

Hasrat, my four year old neice, remains glued to her dad’s smart phone for day long, watching her favourite cartoon- Doremon. My daughter, Royali, who is ten, likes to play games day long. While I find myself glued to my smart phone for following social media and of course, you tube, thanks  to Jio’s 4G speeds.
And in the midst of all this, its not uncommon, not to even switch on our good old TV for days together. So the question is, is it the end of the TV age?
Its true that internet has affected books, magazines and newspapers alike. Book shops all over the world are being shut. Newspapers have developed apps to guard themselves from any hit to their business in the future. Although these apps are free right now but later on these will have a subsciption price, of, say, the monthly bill of a newspaper.
Not only this, some of the reports suggest that  the internet plus smart phones plus you tube plus 4G speeds have dented the film industry all over the world as well.
Apps like Netflix or its desi avtar jio cinema, among others have hundreds of movies in their kitty which can be watched at the comfort of one’s home, any day, anytime 24*7, even at the go for example, while onto a journey.
So who has the time and patience of waiting for a movie to start, wait for the advertisements to finish and where is the gurantee that the channel on the TV will not be changed by someone.
Hence a smart phone  takes care of everything- your privacy, ensuring there are no ads ( at least for now) plus no need to wait for the programme to start – on a particular day and time!
The conventional TV has already been named as “appointment TV”, while the various apps like Jio tv on a  smart phone already pffer you with the option of watching a programme running currently and the ones you may have missed out in the preceding week and that too without breaks 24*7.
Last year Apple CEO announced that the future of TV is Apps. These apps can be used on a smart phone as well as on TVs which are specially made for that, for example Apple TV. That TV will be like a TV in shape and size only but will function differently altogether. We will have to click on certain apps like ESPN to watch live and other programmes. So the main difference will be that the viewer will be in full control now, unlike earlier, when she was at the sweet mercy of the channel, she chose to watch.
Hence the TV will be like a smart phone only except the function of calling.
So lets embrace this revolution as a new dichotomy between earlier- being glued to our TV and being- glued to our smart phone now on.