Two killed as car rolls down

Locals trying to retrieve victims from wreckage of car. -Excelsior/Romesh Mengi
Locals trying to retrieve victims from wreckage of car. -Excelsior/Romesh Mengi

Excelsior Correspondent
REASI, June 27: Two persons died and two others were seriously injured when a car, they were travelling in, rolled down into a deep gorge near Shuhala, Judda B, here today.
The Alto car with registration number JK02BA- 0455, was on way from Lower Judda to Kouri, when it skidded off the narrow road and slipped into deep gorge.

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After rolling down around 100 meters, the car smashed into a big boulder resulting into on the spot death of its driver and the other person on front seat. Two others on rear seat of the car sustained serious injuries in the accident.

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The deceased were identified as Rattan Singh (driver), age 26 years, son of Jagdish Raj, resident of Judda B, Tehsil Arnas and Raj Kumar, 42 years old, son of Bodh Raj, resident of Seela, Reasi.
The injured, who were shifted to District Hospital Reasi for treatment, have been identified as Kamal Singh (Ex Naib Sarpanch), age 50 years, son of Isher Dass, resident of Judda B and Atul Magotra, 30 years old, resident of Udhampur. Their condition was stated to be stable.