Ugliest terror face of recruiting children

Doing it all in the name of religion of their interpretation , the terror outfits have shown one more form of their ugliest face , that of sparing not even children and using them during clashes in Kashmir. This has all been revealed by a recent UN annual report from the Secretary General on Children and Armed Conflict. The Indian Government ,through its various agencies has been, from time to time,  expressing concern on this aspect of the debased strategy of the terror outfits operating in the valley , all sustained by Pakistani establishment which stands not only confirmed but vindicated as well.
Not only are the terror outfits and their agent stooges brazenly indoctrinating the tender young minds and recruiting them in their folds but are using them as human shield to attack security forces and asking them to reach spots where operations to flush out terrorists are carried out and ask them to pelt stones on the security personnel. The report where their nefarious activities of this nature are exposed by the World Body pertains to the period of January- December 2017. While these Pakistan based terror outfits Jaish-e-Mohammad and Hizbul Mujahideen are recruiting and using children in Jammu and Kashmir during clashes with the security forces, separatist leaders turn their faces to the other side and commit not only a sin but exhibit a grave deliberate moral irresponsibility.
As a run up to this galling ratcheting exploitation of innocent Kashmiri children, we saw how these outlawed elements did not shirk for a moment in setting on fire number of Schools in the valley just to render these children desperate and thus easily get prowled by Pakistani agents into their commandments using different bogies and “compelling excuses”. The UN Report lays bare the fact that such immoral and unjustified recruitment of children claimed globally last year  as many as over 10000 children while 8000 more were recruited or used as combatants.
This eye opening report must shake the conscience of Kashmiri separatist leaders who should now openly denounce acts of terror and in particular, recruitment of or using in any act of terror activities innocent Kashmiri children, boys and girls . If they keep their eyes continuously shut and conscience pawned to the country globally known as terror manufacturing one , it will be too late to salvage the situation. The Report under reference, covers 20 countries like Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, India, Philippines and Nigeria . The Report castigates these terror outfits by terming “Grave Violations”, saying further about incidents of recruitment and use of children by two terror outfits were reported in Jammu and Kashmir during clashes with security forces.
Drawing a Balance Sheet of what have these terror outfits gained over the years by acts of terrorism, would be one sided only- depicting spilling of innocent blood and spreading destruction. They may keep it going for years and decades; the outcome would be absolutely nothing on political or territorial landscape. Coincidentally, the US has strongly told Pakistan that it could not tolerate its Government providing safe haven to terrorists as American Ambassador to the UN, Nikki  Haley recently expressed her  strong views in New Delhi by saying that Washington and New Delhi must become global leaders in the fight against terrorism. Was Pakistan going to change its State policy of terrorism?