UHQ reviews security, peace in 2018, Panchayat polls, border situation

Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti and Deputy CM Dr Nirmal Singh at UHQ meeting in Jammu on Tuesday.
Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti and Deputy CM Dr Nirmal Singh at UHQ meeting in Jammu on Tuesday.

Polls challenge but UHQ feels it must be accepted

Sanjeev Pargal
JAMMU, Jan 16: Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti today held high-level review of security situation in Jammu and Kashmir including the borders, where tensions have again escalated between India and Pakistan and took assessment from top brass of security officers on the impact of Panchayat elections on situation in the Valley.
Top Army Generals, whose troops were deployed on the borders as well as hinterland, heads of para-military forces, civil administration, Jammu and Kashmir Police, Intelligence agencies and other senior officers, were present at the meeting that was chaired by Mehbooba Mufti and attended by Deputy Chief Minister Dr Nirmal Singh.
The Unified Headquarters meeting comes close on the heels of possible announcement of Panchayat elections in the State as the Chief Minister had stated that the polls would start from February 15.
Sources told the Excelsior that top brass of security forces and other agencies gave their assessment of the situation at the meeting, which lasted about four hours at official residence of Ms Mufti.
“Situation prevailing at the borders, internal areas of Kashmir and possible impact the Panchayat elections can have on the situation figured prominently at the meeting,’’ they said, adding the Government wants to be fully satisfied about security situation in the Valley before making formal announcement of Panchayat elections in the State, which were pending for last more than one and a half year.
Last April, eight civilians were killed on the day of Lok Sabha by-election on Srinagar seat, leading to indefinite postponement of by-poll to Anantnag Parliamentary constituency. While the Government has announced that Panchayat elections will start from February 15, it wants to assess security situation and put all possible security measures in place before formally issuing a notification for the polls as large number of candidates were expected to be in the fray.
Moreover, sources said, the Government had to make all security arrangements for the Panchayat elections from within the para-military forces and Jammu and Kashmir Police for the elections.
“There was a general view that Panchayat elections were a challenge but the Government must accept it as it was in the interest of strengthening democracy at the grass root level,’’ sources said, adding all security agencies assured their full cooperation for holding the polls.
In their reports at the meeting, the security and Intelligence agencies were of the view that 2017 remained quite peaceful in Kashmir as compared to 2016 and there was need to ensure that 2018 should be more peaceful than 2017 so that tourists start thronging back to the Valley.
However, sources pointed out, almost all security and Intelligence agencies were of the view that there was massive presence of militants on Pakistan side of LoC and International Border, which was potential threat to peace as the militants would try to infiltrate to disturb summer. However, security agencies briefed the meeting that they were fully geared-up to meet with any kind of situation on the borders and that they would thwart infiltration bids by the militants to ensure peaceful 2018.
The Unified Headquarters was of the view that raising of demands like power and water supply, roads and other local issues at various places in the Valley, was an indication that people have started focusing on development instead of militancy and stone pelting.
However, there was unanimity that gains achieved in 2017 needs to be strengthened in 2018 to ensure that peace prevailed in the Valley this year too and much awaited tourists start thronging the Valley as vast population in Kashmir thrives on the tourism.
In her address to the meeting, Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti stressed upon security agencies to adopt more humane approach while dealing with the situation in Kashmir. She advised security agencies to exercise maximum restraint and strictly ensure safety and security of people and their properties.
She said everyone must ensure that there was no fresh recruitment in militancy.
“Need of the hour is to engage meaningfully with the people, particularly youth, so that they are able to contribute to the society and its welfare,’’ Mehbooba said and stressed on increased community policing activities and enhanced outreach by the administration.
Sources said top officers and heads of various security agencies gave their detailed analysis of the situation in Jammu and Kashmir including internal security and the situation prevailing along the borders
The meeting expressed satisfaction over the level of coordination among various security and Intelligence agencies, operating in Jammu and Kashmir to deal with the situation in the Valley especially during anti-militancy operations to avoid civilian casualties and collateral damage and prevent any flare-up in the violence.
The meeting was attended among others by Chief Secretary, B. B. Vyas; GOC in C, Northern Command, Lt. Gen. Devraj Anbu; Principal Secretary, Home, R. K, Goyal; GOC of 9th Corps, Lt. Gen. Y V K Menon; GOC of 14th Corps, Lt. Gen. S. K. Upadhayaya; GOC of 15th Corps, Lt. Gen. J S Sandhu; GOC of 16th  Corps, Lt. Gen. Saranjeet Singh; Director General of Police, Dr. S P Vaid; Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, Rohit Kansal; ADGPs, A G Mir and Muneer Ahmad Khan; ADGP, CRPF; Divisional Commissioner, Kashmir, Baseer Ahmad Khan; Inspectors General of BSF and CRPF, Jammu & Kashmir Frontiers and other senior officers.