UN Reforms

Recently China excercised veto and blocked India’s motion against Masood Azhar at the United Nations. This Chinese move must be a reminder to all the stake holders to speed up the UN reforms particularly related to inclusion of more permanent members in the UNSC. Countries like India,Japan,Germany,Brazil and South Africa have been pressing for permanent UNSC berth since long. Time has come all the member states of United Nations mount pressure on UNSC members including the USA, Russia, UK, France and  China not to stall the UNSC reforms. A reformed UNSC will give voice to the developing countries.  Once UN is reformed countries like India , Japan and others won’t face challenges at multilateral fora due to their bilateral disputes with anyone of the present UNSC members.  Let’s hope long pending UN reforms  see the light of the day at the earliest.
Yours etc…..
Rajesh Thakur