UN Secretary General says ‘No Alternative’ to Paris Agreement on climate change

MOSCOW, Nov 18: UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said on Sunday that there is “no alternative” to the Paris Agreement on climate change in light of the upcoming 24th conference of the parties to UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP24). COP24 will be held in the Polish city of Katowice on December 3-14, 2018.
The Polish presidency has three main goals: developing environmentally friendly technologies, building solidarity in industrial regions’ transition to climate friendly societies and achieving climate neutrality.
“There is no alternative to the #ParisAgreement. To realistically address climate change, next month’s #COP24 must be a success,” Guterres wrote on Twitter. The Paris climate deal, created within the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, went into force on November 4, 2016. It has been ratified by 184 of the 197 parties to the accord. The deal aims at keeping the increase in average global temperature at below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels by means of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
The dangers of climate change became more pronounced a year ago after US President Donald Trump has announced that the United States, one of the countries producing the largest amount of carbon emissions in the world, would be withdrawing from the Paris Agreement on climate change. Washington formally notified the United Nations of its withdrawal on August 4.
