UN Speech

This has reference to the news item ‘India produced scientists, scholars, Pak terrorists’ DE Sept 24.
External Minister Sushma Swaraj deserves all appreciation for hitting Pakistan forcefully at UN General Assembly Session. She has been able to draw the attention of the world community towards role of Pakistan in promoting terrorism in the Asian Sub-Continent. Her address to the General Assembly was listened to with rapt attention by her countrymen, and almost everybody praised her oratory and presentation of India’s view point forcefully.
It is time Pakistan winds up its terror factory and makes world a peaceful place to live in. Pakistan has created terror monstor which if not checked well in time may not only consume Pakistan, but its neighbours as well. Good sense should prevail upon Pakistan Army which is providing all kind of support to sustain to terror factory.
In case Pakistan does not mend its way, world community should come together on this issue, and take measures  to control country.
Yours etc…
Som Raj