Under privileged, labour class mainstay of NC: Kamaal

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 30: Additional general secretary, J&K National Conference, Dr Sheikh Mustafa Kamaal today said the NC is in existence for last 80 years and the mainstay of the party has been labour, under privileged and poor classes of the society.
He was speaking at Dhanu Sheen Brahmana, Block Tikri, Reasi, while paying tributes to martyrs of Chicago, USA on International Labour Day falling on May 1, 2012.
He said the two big contributions of NC to J&K people are ‘land to tiller’ without any compensation and secularism and amity among all regions, religions, castes and sub-castes.
He further said that the present Government headed by Omar Abdullah has taken revolutionary measures to ameliorate the sufferings of the people especially in the aftermath of over two decades old militancy. He added that the successfully holding of panchayat elections goes to the credit of Omar Abdullah and its Government and appealed the people to strengthen this third pillar of democracy and not to fall prey to the propaganda of political parties.
Commenting on the visit of Foreign Secretary of the country to Pakistan in coming days, he hoped that this will increase bonhomie between the two estranged neighbours and this will dispel the clouds of suspicion , hatred and animosity between the two which will pave the way for ever lasting peace in J&K.
Provincial president, NC, Rattan Lal Gupta giving details of the performance of Omar Abdullah led Government, said it is taking every step to provide relief to the people and sustain the hard earned peace in the State. He also said not to lend air to false propaganda regarding the working of panchayats and stressed that Omar Abdullah and his Government is keen to see this important tier of democracy succeed and no hurdle in this behalf would be tolerated and steps are afoot to give legal and constitutional teeth to these elected panchayats.
He also lamented that had people not taken away support to NC in 2002 and 2008 assembly elections in Reasi Assembly segment, the developmental works that were presented in the charter of demands would have been solved and hoped that people keeping in mind that tremendous contribution of NC for the welfare of the people of the State will not commit this mistake again. He assured the locals that their demands will be forwarded to the concerned quarters for action.