Understanding the pandemic

Mansi Sharma
The proliferating COVID- 19 “ coronavirus disease of 2019”, has put the whole world under isolation. The dominant habitants of the planet – We the Humans, are terrified to freely move around the streets. Entire world is locked down, people who controlled the nations are peeping through the locked windows of their homes. During this unfavourable situation it is very necessary to understand the circumstances rather than being depressed and unmotivated.
Going deep into the resources, I came to know that coronavirus was first described in ‘Journal of Virology’ under the name “ Generation of Synthetic Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Pseudoparticles: Implications for Assembly and Vaccine Production ” by Yue Huang, Zhi-yong Yang, Wing-pui Kong, Gary J. Nabe, in the year 2004. The paper was well supported by the article, figures and data, information and metrics. Later it was discussed in “ Synthetic recombinant bat SARS-like coronavirus is infectious in cultured cells and in mice ” on 14 th October 2008, and in “ Engineering Infectious cDNAs of Coronavirus as Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes ” published online 2014 Dec 18.
So, looking into the history it isn’t a new disease but the thing that scares us is that the cure has not yet been found.From all the resources published on online platforms it is quite clear that coronavirus is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The virus is primarily spread between people during close contact, often via small droplets produced by coughing, sneezing, or talking. While these droplets are produced when breathing out, they usually fall to the ground or onto surfaces rather than being infectious over long distances.People may also become infected by touching a contaminated surface and then touching their eyes, nose, or mouth. The virus can survive on surfaces for up to 72 hours. It is most contagious during the first three days after the onset of symptoms, although spread may be possible before symptoms appear and in later stages of the disease. Common symptoms include fever, cough and shortness of breath. Complications may include pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome.
The time from exposure to onset of symptoms is typically around five days, but may range from two to fourteen days.
There is no known vaccine or specific antiviral treatment. The recent cases of coronavirus first emerged in the city of Wuhan in China in December 2019 and then spread like termites throughout the whole world. China has been able to control the spread so far with the lockdown strategies, even though being a developed country it took around 6 months for China to control the situation. Countries like Italy, USA which are much more advanced in technology and resources have also not been able to control the spread and reached the stage 3 in such less intervals of time. Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi has been able to control the situation upto some context by putting the country under isolation and only letting the essential services to operate.
But it isn’t only his duty to impose the guidelines. We the people of India need to understand that until there is no cure, precaution is the only solution. We should be aware that our country doesn’t have much resources, the Government is trying its best but it is our sole responsibility to stay at home and cooperate. We are short of resources like masks and sanitizers, so stay at home ,use homemade masks, avoid physical contact with people, with surfaces, wear gloves while buying vegetables from vendors. Don’t go out until necessary. Cooperate with the doctors on duty, they are there to help the public. They are putting their lives in danger just for saving your life, so a little cooperation from you would help to deal with the situation faster.
If possible please try and donate for the people who are poor. A little donation from you can help save someone’s life.
Even if every person donated one rupee each , there would be more than 121 crore rupees. So do make an effort.
In this difficult situation it is very essential that you boost up your mind, do not let the negative thoughts overpower you.
People are posting videos that they are bored in the house , So don’t be bored or depressed, just utilize this time to improve your skills. There’s a lot , one can learn. Spend time with family, learn something new, enhance your skills, learn cooking, help your family, play with them. “A time invested in progression will always pay you good results.”
I would like to conclude by saying that even if the lockdown is lifted please try not to rush out of your homes, as it is a viral infection, the virus can survive on the surface for more than seven days . So please take all the precautionary measures even after the quarantine is over.