Undertake afforestation on mission mode: CS

Chief Secretary chairing a meeting on Monday.
Chief Secretary chairing a meeting on Monday.

*APOs of Forest, Wildlife Deptt approved

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Jan 14: Chief Secretary, B. V. R. Subrahmanyam today chaired the 16th meeting of the Steering Committee of the Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority (CAMPA) to consider the Annual Plan of Operations (APOs) of Forest and Wildlife Departments for the Year 2019-20.
Principal Secretary, Finance, Principal Secretary, Planning, Development and Monitoring, Commissioner/Secretary, Forest, Ecology and Environment, Director, Soil & Water Conservation, Director, SFRI, Director, Social Forestry Department, Chief Conservator Forests, Jammu, Chief Conservator Forests (Eco Tourism), Chief Conservator of Forests (Planning & Project), CCF(FCA) and representative of MoEF&CC, Regional Office Chandigarh participated in the meeting. NGO members Nazir-B-Nazir and Dr.Gurmit Singh also attended the meeting as special invitees.
Sarvesh Rai, APCCF(CAMPA) made a detailed presentation on the functioning of CAMPA and APOs of the financial year 2019-20.
The Committee was informed that against 13,000 hectares diverted under Jammu and Kashmir Forest Conservation Act for development works since inception, more than 41,000 hectares degraded forest area has been afforested.
The Committee was informed that new Rules which have been notified on December 24th 2018 provide that more than 80% of the total outlay is to be spent on Forest and Wildlife Management Activities and less than 20% of the outlay on Infrastructure and Capacity building Activities.
The Committee was also informed that a Monitoring Group headed by CCF (Project and Planning) has been entrusted with the task of evolving independent system for concurrent monitoring and evaluations of CAMPA works.
Chief Secretary desired that utility of expenditure on fencing works should be reviewed by the Department for more effective utilization of funds.
It was informed that the coordinates and maps of the works executed under CAMPA are being placed on the website of e-green watch portal of Ministry of Environment and Forest.
After due deliberations, the Steering Committee approved the APOs for the year 2019-20 for Forest and allied Departments in terms of which afforestation will be undertaken in 6000 Hectare area and around 43 Lakh saplings will be planted in 2019-20. The Committee also approved the APOs of Wildlife Protection Department.
While underscoring the importance of conservation and protection of flora, fauna and forest wealth, Chief Secretary urged the officers of the Forest Department to redouble their efforts so that afforestation and compensatory plantation is undertaken in a mission mode for restoring the ecological balance in the State. He also directed the Forest Department to put the details of works undertaken under CAMPA in public domain. The Department was also directed to work out a comprehensive proposal for conservation of wetlands in the State, particularly Gharana, Mansar and Hokersar, in consultation with the line Departments viz; Agriculture and Revenue and thereafter submit the same for consideration of the Government within two months.
Meanwhile, Chief Secretary, chaired a high level meeting of officers at Udyog Bhavan here to finalize the arrangements for Republic Day celebration.
The main function at Sports Ground, Jammu University will commence with unfurling of the National Flag, inspection of the Parade by the Governor, address by the Governor, march past by contingents and bands in all their finery and official decoration, display of theme based tableau, colourful cultural items, weapon display, acrobatics by dare devil teams and playing of the National Anthem.
Detailed deliberations were held regarding security arrangements, seating, transportation/ parking facilities besides ensuring proper sanitation in and around main venue, adequate drinking water dispensers, refreshments for guests, contingents and school children, uninterrupted power supply at the venue, availability of medicare/ambulance services, facilities for media persons and various other issues.