Unemployment on rise

Unemployment is posing a serious threat to the society as well as the nation as a whole. Unemployment leads to financial crises and reducing the overall purchasing capacity of the nation. This in turn results in poverty followed by increasing burden of debt. In India the problems of unemployment and poverty have always been major obstacles to economic development. Underemployment and unemployment have crippled the Indian economy from time to time. Excessive population is another major problem as far as Indian economy is concerned. Regional disparity is also crucial in this context. Mass migration from rural to urban regions is adding to the problems of unemployment and poverty in India. There are hundreds of thousands of students in each state who are wandering here and there in search of jobs. Unemployed youths including professionals like engineers, doctors, IT professionals and agriculture professionals.
The reasons for this chronic unemployment are manifold but the flawed planning on part of successive Governments has increased this problem manifold. Recession is one of the main reasons for the overall unemployment rate which seems a worldwide bane bearing within itself a serious threat to social stability and to prospects for sustainable economic growth that is driven by the private sector and not by the State.  It is the need of hour that the Govt. should take new employment initiative programmes to encourage young people into the labor market while measures should also be taken to promote the use of open-ended employment contracts for hiring people aged less than 30 years who are seeking their first job or who are unemployed.
Government should also create a professional internship programs for young people who attend professional and technological courses while also setting up a programme to support the recruitment of young people who have already completed an internship programme, particularly on technological areas. It is also true that various poverty alleviation and employment generation programs are being implemented by the Govt. of India like MGNREGS, SGSY, Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana etc but still unemployment remains active all over the India and has become a major concern. Unemployment has become a burning issue and the Governments need to address this issue as early as possible unless this unemployed youth bring global threat to the society.
Yours etc……
Vivek Koul
on e-mail