Unholy BJP-PDP alliance sets State on fire: Harshdev

NPP leader Harshdev Singh addressing public meeting in Ramnagar.
NPP leader Harshdev Singh addressing public meeting in Ramnagar.

Excelsior Correspondent

RAMNAGAR, Nov 4: Hold-ing the BJP-PDP Coalition responsible for the chaotic state of affairs prevalent in the state, Harshdev Singh NPP chairman and former Minister today observed that the unethical and unholy alliance had spelled doom, death and destruction in the state.
Describing the existing scenario in the State as catastrophic fall out of the north pole-south pole union, Mr Singh regretted that the people across the state were paying the price for the opportunist alliance of proclaimed opponents.
Addressing public meetings at villages Marta and Kaghote of Ramnagar constituency today, the NPP leader expressing concern over the prevalent mess in the State. He deplored the chaotic conditions that had engulfed all the three regions of the state. He lamented that while Kashmir witnessed the worst ever phase of arson, violence and infiltration during BJP-PDP rule, Jammu’s borders suffered unprecedented disturbances and agony with Ladakh region facing the heat of Sino-Indian face off. He regretted that not only were the 1B and LoC on fire but tensions had severely escalated on LAC with China adopting a highly aggressive and offensive posturing thus threatening peace and security all across the State.
He said that while the border residents faced the nightmarish experiences of their lifetimes, the Ministers were indulging in photo-ops and media statements without taking any action to provide the much needed succor and solace to victims of the Pak shelling. He regretted that some of the BJP leaders were even trying to stoke war frenzy by their war mongering utterances. He lambasted the BJP for disregarding its promises of providing five marla plots in safer zones to border dwellers besides construction of shelters and bunkers.
Expressing grave concern over in the total breakdown of law and order in Kashmir with torching of educational institutions going un-abated and situation showing no signs of retrieval, Mr Singh described the present scenario as conducive for invocation of Sec 92 of the State constitution. He regretted that despite all-round condemnation and concern shown by various political and social organizations across the country besides the Central Govt and High Court regarding the burning of schools, the Govt had utterly failed to check the violent abominable phenomenon. He demanded imposition of Governor’s Rule in the State.