Unified Hqrs to discuss Sarpanchs security: CM

Fayaz Bukhari
SRINAGAR, Sept 24: Panic has gripped North Kashmir’s Baramulla district forcing resignation of around 100 Panchs and Sarpanchs after the killing of a Sarpanch and Naib Sarpanch.
Chief Minister Omar Abdullah while expressing concern over the killing of Panchayat members has said that the issue of their security will be discussed in the next meeting of Unified Headquarters.
The fresh wave of resignations of the Panchyat members began last night soon after the killing of a Naib Sarpanch, Mohammad Shafi Teli, 37, son of Habibullah Teli of village Nowpora Jageer in district Baramulla.
Teli was killed while he was on way to a local Masjid for night prayers. According to reports, militants fired at him indiscriminately resulting in his on spot death.
The Chief Minister has described the act of killing of the Panchayat members as a heinous crime and against public cause. He said that establishment of powerful and functional Panchayat Raj in the State is his Government’s commitment. He said that all efforts would be made to safeguard the Panchs and Sarpanchs and provide them conducive-atmosphere to work for the good of people.
Police and 52 RR and 29 RR of Army launched a massive operation last night which was still going on to trace the three militants responsible for his killing. So far the security forces are clueless about the assailants of Teli.
The killing has spread panic in the nearby villages of Nowpora, Nowpora-Jageer, Wagoora, Chenad, Soloosa, Khashi Tangan, Delina, Sangrama, Putkhah and Kreeri forcing resignation of over 40 Panchs and Sarpanchs in the area.
Some of the Panchs who have resigned today have been identified as Manzoor Ahmad and Abdul Rashid Khanday residents of village Saloosa; Ali Mohammad Lone, Tariq Ahmad Lone, Asadullah Lone, Abdul Hamid Wani and Haleema of Kreera and Syed Javed Ahmad Bukhari of Nowpora Mirangund.
Some of the Panchs and Sarpanchs have issued paid advertisement to local newspapers announcing their resignation while others have announced it in local Masjids while some of them have pasted handwritten posters in the local Masjids in their villages.
Syed Javed Ahmad Bukhari of Nowpora Mirangund in district Baramulla, who was representing Ward 6A of the village, told Excelsior that he has resigned as Panch. While announcing his dis-association from the village Panchayat, he cited security as a reason for his resignation. He said that this is the second killing of any Panchayat member in the area during past week and the members of Panchayats felt scared.
This is the second killing of a Panchayat member in the area. Earlier on September 10, Sarpach of Palhalan village in North Kashmir Ghulam Mohammad Yatoo was shot dead.
Yatoo’s killing created panic in the entire area of Pattan in North Kashmir district of Baramulla. Over 60 Panchs and Sarpanchs of village Palhalan, Goshbugh, Taapar, Wusan and Kalsari Nehalpora resigned soon after the killing.
Over 500 Panchs and Sarpanchs have resigned in South Kashmir districts of Shopian, Kulgam, Pulwama and north Kashmir district of Baramulla after militants killed 11 Panchs and Sarpanchs since last year.
Before the killings, the militants had asked the members of the Panchayats to resign or face consequences. The threatening came through posters circulated in several villages of these districts.
Over 35000 Panchs and Sarpanchs were elected last year to this grass root level democratic set up after a gap of over 34 years. The peaceful Panchayat elections were considered as a mile stone by the State Government. Now the existence of this institution is facing militant threat which is a major concern for the Government as its members have become soft targets for militants.