Union Home Ministry sends team to Jammu to prepare dossier on Masrat Alam

JAMMU :  A two-member team deputed by the Union Home Ministry arrived today to prepare dossier on hardline separatist Masrat Alam.
Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh had sent the team to get a dossier from Jammu and Kashmir Home Commissioner Suresh Kumar and DGP K Rajendra Kumar about the release of Alam from jail, sources here told.
They said the team, including a senior Union Home Ministry officer, arrived in the morning and started preparing dossier by collecting all documents from the state government.    “He will also pinpoint the failure of officers to get PSA approval from the Home Department and subsequent release of Masarat Alam on March 7,” the sources added.    They said the team is likely to meet Chief Minister Mufti Mohammed Sayeed in the afternoon.