Union Home Secy reviews flood relief measures in Valley

Union Home Secretary L C goyal today reviewed the relief and rehabilitation measures being adopted by the J&K Government to provide succour to the people affected by last year’s floods in the Valley.
Goyal was briefed about the ongoing relief and rehabilitation process by State Government officials at a high level meeting here, an official spokesman said.
The Union Home Secretary urged the administration to expedite the relief and rehabilitation process for affected population.
He also took stock of short, medium and long-term measures put in place by the administration to combat any such eventuality in future.
Goyal asked the administration to lay special focus on the necessary protective measures such as drudging of rivers and construction of protection bunds along the rivers.
The Divisional Commissioner (Kashmir) Gazanfar Hussain informed Goyal that about Rs 161.27 crore have been disbursed for 1,71,985 damaged structures.
He said that ex-gratia relief of Rs 1 lakh per fully damaged pucca house and Rs 50,000 per fully damaged kutcha house have also been transfered into the bank accounts of 8,595 beneficiaries.
The Home Secretary was informed that an amount of Rs 426 crore has been sanctioned and placed at the disposal of the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) for distribution among flood-hit people.
The Divisional Commissioner also apprised the Home Secretary of the proposed package forwarded to the Centre for rehabilitation and restoration of private and public property. (AGENCIES)