Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh, flanked by Union Secretary Personnel Sanjay Kothari, Union Secretary Administrative Reforms Devendra Chaudhry and other senior officers, presiding over a meeting of Principal Secretaries of GAD/Personnel from different States and Union Territories at New Delhi on Tuesday.

Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh, flanked by Union Secretary Personnel Sanjay Kothari, Union Secretary Administrative Reforms Devendra Chaudhry and other senior officers, presiding over a meeting of Principal Secretaries of GAD/Personnel from different States and Union Territories at New Delhi on Tuesday.
Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh, flanked by Union Secretary Personnel Sanjay Kothari, Union Secretary Administrative Reforms Devendra Chaudhry and other senior officers, presiding over a meeting of Principal Secretaries of GAD/Personnel from different States and Union Territories at New Delhi on Tuesday.

Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh, flanked by Union Secretary Personnel Sanjay Kothari, Union Secretary Administrative Reforms Devendra Chaudhry and other senior officers, presiding over a meeting of Principal Secretaries of GAD/Personnel from different States and Union Territories at New Delhi on Tuesday.