Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh, flanked by Union Secretary PMO Bhaskar Khulbe, Union Secretary DoPT B.P. Sharma and Establishment Officer Rajiv Kumar, launching the latest of its kind, “Employees Online” App by Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT) at New Delhi.

Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh, flanked by Union Secretary PMO Bhaskar Khulbe, Union Secretary DoPT B.P. Sharma and Establishment Officer Rajiv Kumar, launching the latest of its kind, “Employees Online” App by Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT) at New Delhi.
Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh, flanked by Union Secretary PMO Bhaskar Khulbe, Union Secretary DoPT B.P. Sharma and Establishment Officer Rajiv Kumar, launching the latest of its kind, “Employees Online” App by Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT) at New Delhi.

Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh, flanked by Union Secretary PMO Bhaskar Khulbe, Union Secretary DoPT B.P. Sharma and Establishment Officer Rajiv Kumar, launching the latest of its kind, “Employees Online” App by Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT) at New Delhi.