Union MoS Meghwal calls for promotion of Ladakh products

LEH: A seminar on Laghu Udhyog Bharti (Micro, Medium & Small Scale Industries) was organized at Sindhu Sanskriti Kendra Leh the other day.

Union Minister of State for Finance Arjun Ram Meghwal was the Chief guest on the occasion.

Minister for Industries & Commerce, J&K, Chander Prakash Ganga, Minister for Ladakh Affairs & Cooperatives, Chhering Dorjey, CEC LAHDC Leh, Dr. Sonam Dawa Lonpo, EC Works, Dorjey Motup, EC Agriculture Tsering Wangdus, EC Tourism Tsering Sandup, Councilors of LAHDC and representatives from Laghu Udhyog Bharti from 10 States of India attended the seminar.

Speaking on the occasion, the Union Minister urged upon the Industrialists and  Members of Laghu Udhyog Bharti to adopt the border village of Demjok and other nearby two villages of Changthang for developing basic facilities, saying that this would not only help in improving the living conditions of the nomads but also help in promoting the Pashmina sector which has plenty of scope in the area.

Highlighting the rich presence of mineral deposits in Ladakh,  Mr. Meghpal further urged the industrialists to discuss with LAHDC Leh for establishment of limestone, granite, uranium and other mineral industries in the area which would not only lessen the gap of regional  imbalance but also in generating employment opportunities to the locals. He assured that  the Union Government would extend all possible help in this regards.

The Union Minister also assured to provide necessary funds for completion of ongoing works of Sindhu Sanskriti Kendra and for the purpose he asked to submit the detailed project report.

Welcoming the members of Industrial fraternity from different parts of the country, the Chief Executive Councilor, LAHDC, Leh, Dr. Sonam Dawa urged upon them to invest wholeheartedly for exploring and exploiting huge repositories of quality granite, uranium, borax and other minerals in Ladakh.

Dr. Dawa further said that opening of Kailash-Mansorowar pilgrimage road via Demchok-Ladakh has been a long standing demand of this region. He said conducting of Chhota-Kailash Yatra in Demchok by a large Industrialist group representing 10 States of the country would prove the first step towards opening the Kailash-Mansorowar Yatra road via Ladakh.  He also expressed his gratitude to Government of India for granting permission for carrying-out Chhota-Kailash Yatra in Ladakh commenced from this year and added that tourism industry in Ladakh would witness a further boost with this yatra.  He requested the Industrialists to contribute in Ladakh’s development by expanding their reach up to the remotest areas of this region under Medium and Micro Industrial policies.

Expressing gratitude to the visiting group of Industrialists, Minister for Ladakh Affairs and Cooperative, Chhering Dorjey termed the occasion as a historic one. He said that this would considerably help to achieve early opening of Kailash Yatra road via Ladakh which is the shortest and easiest approach road to Kailash and Mansorowar. He urged upon the industrialists to invest in Ladakh by making best use of the world famous  Pashmina, Seabucthorn, granite and other allied valuable minerals which are available in plenty in the area. He also demanded adequate funds for timely completion of Sindhu Sanskriti Kendra, Leh for exploring adventure and spiritual tourism of Ladakh.

Minister for Industries & Commerce Chander Prakash Ganga also spoke on the occasion and stressed on paying focused attention to medium and small scale industries in the State. He assured all possible help from the state government to promote the local products, art, culture and socio-economic activities, he added.