Universities must become centres of excellence: Naidu

CHANDIGARH: Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu today said that the universities in the country should become centres of excellence.
Naidu stressed upon revisiting the curriculum and programme of learning in the context of 21st century so as to equip young people with necessary skills for their contribution towards the nation.
“Today, we have broad consensus in the country about reforms. Reforms are the need of the hour. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given three words advice -Reform, Perform and Transform. Transformation of the country is very much required. About 65 per cent of Indian population is below 35 years,” he said.
“We have demographic dividend. This younger generation should be shown a proper path, they should be given proper guidance and that is the duty of the universities, duty of institutions, all technical as well as other institutions,” Naidu said while addressing the 67th annual convocation of Panjab University here.
“Universities should aim at becoming the centres of excellence. You must strive hard to reach there,” he further said.
Stating that every student must learn speaking and conversing in their mother tongue, Naidu said, “I am not against any language. You can learn as many languages as you can. I feel every state must make mother tongue mandatory for all ,” he said.
While addressing the students, Naidu said, “Hindu is not a religion. Hindu is a culture. It is a way of life.”
He asked youngsters to not forget their culture, heritage and people who immensely contributed towards the society.
“I call upon youngsters to please remember the great culture, great heritage, great gurus who contributed to the society. Unfortunately, enough prominence and importance is not given to them,” Naidu said.
“There is also a greater social responsibility that youth has to shoulder. There is a need to exercise judgement while looking at social issues and be a part of the traditions of tolerance and respect that are characteristics of our pluralistic culture,” he said.
The vice president also exhorted students to aim high and work hard to excel in their lives.
Naidu also asked senate and syndicate of universities to focus on enhancing the standard of education. (AGENCIES)