Dr Satya Dev Gupta
Since its emergence People’s Republic of China (PRC) has become a threat to the existence of the neighbouring countries, like Mongolia, Tibet, East Turkestan, Vietnam, Burma, India etc. With her imperialistic outlook, rash and reckless attitude some courtiers have lost their political, social and cultural entity. Mao Zedong, the Chinese Communist leader was a very shrewd politician. On 1, 1949 declared the creation of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) which resulted into a full-scale civil war between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the Nationalist Party, or Kuomintang (KMT), which broke out immediately following World War II and had been preceded by on and off conflict between the two sides since the 1920s. The creation of the PRC also completed the long process of governmental upheaval in China which began with the Chinese Revolution of 1911. Mao Zedong had a clear-cut policy to infiltrate the active, energetic, and dynamic agents in the teaching institutions, industries, police, army and other key departments of the Chinese Democratic Government of Chiang-kai-shek and weaken it from inside and at appropriate time overthrow it with minimal effort. It is pertinent to mention that about 1 million people, who didn’t fall in the line of Mao Zedong were massacred. Chinese leaders at present are following the same policy that was adopted at the time of Mao against neighboring countries particularly Democratic India.
Philosophy of Left
The left ideology has unique and peculiar virtues which leads it to overshadow almost the entire world. It is flourishing in democratic countries even in the oldest and largest Republics—- USA and India. Although the original concept of “Economic Socialism or Marxism” which was the basic concept of “Karls Marx” has vanished from the states where it flourished for more than 5 decades i.e USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). It has broken into many parts but it didn’t mean that communism suffered a big jolt but in a true sense, it can be compared to a sacrificial “Chess Pawn”, for a better move to capture the King. There was a time in the fifties to seventies when it was considered a big crime in the USA (United States of AMERICA) where no one could have the courage to declare him as a follower of “Left philosophy”; but now in the Western world particularly the USA, Communists became Left Liberals and progressive, thus cutting all the nationalistic boundaries, has obtained the global dimensions. More than 25 per cent of youth were bewitched by the red bath revolution but many people contemplate it as good or bad. From classical “Economic Marxism,” it has been refashioned into “Cultural Socialism or Marxism”.
Indian Prospects
Himalayan country Tibet which acted as the buffer state between India and China was annexed in 1950-51. China’s empiricism hunger was not satisfied and wished to grab the Indian territories that culminated into a full-fledged war in 1962, where India conceded about 37000sq.km. Since then, she has been pinpricking India and tried advancement by inch by inch resulting in skirmishes and clashes in 1967, 1987, and 1920 where India has given a befitting reply to China. Following the doctrines of the Communist ideologues, China has been trying for decades to build roads in India in form of Left Hegemony in teaching institutions, trade unions, bureaucracy, media, judiciary, and intelligentsia. These facts were revealed by a report titled ‘Mapping Chinese Footprints and Influence Operations in India’. by “ANI” which reflected the outcome of a webinar meeting of LSA “Law Society Alliance” (LSA) held on 3rd September 2021.
On September 5 (ANI) published it as “Amid the strained ties between the two Himalayan neighbors”. In the discussion, the representatives from the communities and countries troubled by China were the participants.
The Democratic countries are easily accessible to the Communists whether it is India, the United States or the United Kingdom. The gold standards of the Left and are based on 4 principles of “Rules for Radicals”. 1. Demoralizing, 2. Destabilization 3. Anarchy, and 4. Power. China through its left-leaning parties and personnel are playing a dreadful game and applying unholy tactics in India to destabilize the democratically elected and even strong nationalistic government of Narendra Modi.
Unmasking the Treachery
The aforementioned report has revealed extent of China’s influence in India and its hidden agenda in increasing its influence, which is aimed at making in-roads into the Indian economy and society. The think tank of India has unmasked the agenda of the Chinese government of influencing the Indian society through financial investments in the entertainment industry (Bollywood), political, socio-economic sets ups, media and universities. Beijing is playing its agenda by creating false narratives and confusion in society. CAA (Citizens Amendment Act), was projected as a conspiracy against Muslims, Bheema Koregaon shaped against the Martha’s that culminated into unprovoked violence, wrong interpretation of farmers agitation resulting in large scale violence and a sacrilegious act of insulting The National Flag. Furthermore, every effort is aimed at the division of the majority community (Hindus), who have been also demonized by the left-leaning biased anti- Hindu and anti- India self-styled scholars by organizing an online seminar from 10 to 12 September 2021 with the title “Dismantling Global Hindutva” which was greatly condemned and described as a disgusting attack on Hindus across the globe. In American based Times Magazine dominated by left, Taliban Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar was depicted as a “charismatic military leader” and a “deep pious figure” whereas demonized Modi by calling him “Hindu fundamentalist, anti-Muslim, communal, great-divider and India’s Divider in Chief”.
Left Liberals
The left parties are a stooge of China and always conspire against their own country and have a history of such events of the treacherous attitude. It is a fact that during the Chinese Invasion in 1962, the Communists were jubilant, as reported Mr. Namboodiripad, Kerala’s CM was ridiculed when he donated the blood for wounded Indian soldiers, and still, they stand-by and extend the active support to the divisive forces. Since 2015 China has had investments in India of about 7 billion USD, Indian economy is in a growing stage at present and cannot compete with China. Furthermore, Beijing is a major shareholder in some main Indian firms.
Outcome of report by “Law Society Alliance”
The online event, where this report was discussed, saw the participation of five speakers: Ilshat Kokbore, the Director of Chinese Affairs Department and member of the World Uyghur Congress; Sheng Xue, Co-Founder and Vice-President of the Canadian Coalition Against Communism; Enghebatu Togochog, Director of the Southern Mongolian Human Rights Information Centre in the United States; Aarti Tikoo, the Founder-Editor of The New India and a strategic affairs analyst and MsKaldenTsomo, a UN advocacy officer with The Tibet Bureau based in Geneva, Switzerland. Kokbore, a member of the World Uyghur Congress expressed the Chinese influence in India through its agencies in twisting the reality and spreading false propaganda.
* Canadian Coalition Against Communism co-founder and vice president Sheng Xue commented on the report with the remark that the Indian community is vigilant against the conspiracy hatched by Left and China, who intend to destabilize the democratically elected governments in different countries.
* Aarti Tikoo, a journalist compared the presence of Chinese influence in India with the treachery of East India Company of Great Britain in India. United States Hegemony is being replaced gradually by China, as for the last 30 years or more USA has projected itself as soft power. Vietnam, Afghanistan, mishandling Pakistan etc are clear-cut examples. To fulfil the void space China has proven itself smart enough to outclass the US and Russia. No one in the main media stream of the world talks about the genocide in Xinjiang. Experts say that luckily India, which has a strong and energetic government can face China effectively in the coming time.
* Enghebatu Togochog, the fourth speaker at the webinar considers himself as an unlucky Mongolian that he was born in Chinese occupied Southern Mongolia, which was annexed by the Chinese silently and reduced to a colony. He warned those countries who are enjoying the generosity of China that they may have the same fate as Southern Mongolia
* The last speaker in the webinar was Kalden Tsomo making India aware about Chinese economic policies. Although India is giving tough fight on this front also. It seems that the current economic might of China may challenge the prevailing world order in economic ways.
(The author is Chairman – Trikuta Samvad Kendra)