Unrest in Kashmir

We have been witnessing unrest in Kashmir since 1947 as  seeds of hatered were sown to create wedge between the communities upholding different faiths. The slogan of  plebiscite was raised occasionally by some politicians but it met its own death with the formation of elected Governments in the State. In 1986, when elections in the State were held, MUF also jumped in this process. The election process did not go smoothly and fairly this time and people came to know that large scale rigging has taken place in this election process. From this date confidence among the masses towards the Government stood shaken and shattered. People began to suspect and reposing of trust in the administration was no more in sight.  In the meantime, majority people began to distance themselves from the minorities of the Valley. Gun culture came  in operation throughout the Valley. Kashmiri Pandits were threatened and many of them were killed.
The nationalist forces got weakened because of the appeasement policy of the Centre. The mainstream politicians in the Valley need to play positive role in the present unrest than to go for vote bank politics. In the present situation nationalist forces should unite and defeat the separatist once for all.
Yours etc…
S N Raina