Unsafe water

This has reference to the news item ‘Half of Jammu drinks unsafe water’ DE Oct 23.
It is shocking to learn that people are made to drink unsafe water in many parts of the Jammu district. It reveals the apathetic attitude of the concerned people in supplying potable water to people. The thing which should have been a priority with the Government is not being considered as it has not executed the water supply schemes well in time.
Besides, it has been found that water supplied to people is contaminated as it contains some bacteria which is responsible for spreading diseases.
The PHE department should take note of the facts and devise a way to supply safe potable water.
It is observed that some pipes are broken through which water gets contaminated. These pipes should be plugged at the earliest.
Besides, more laboratories should be set up where water samples can be tested, and steps recommended to supply safe drinking water.
Yours etc…
Sunil Sharma
Sainik Colony