Dr. Bodh Sharma
The Earth is an evolutionary planet, where the living entities incarnate for their evolution. There are various species and human being superior to all of them. The human beings composed of body, mind, intellect, psychic being and the eternal soul. It is a fact that the majority of the human beings live under the influence of body, mind and intellect. The inner components of the being which are the embodiments of the truth remain veiled like a secluded king imprisoned by the ministers who are ruling the kingdom on their own logic, impulses and judgments. Accordingly, only rare humans after a persistent effort are being aware about these inner parts of the being, particularly, the psychic being. The psychic is a portion of the Divine that supports the mind life and body in the evolution. The psychic gets the Divine’s help directly from the Divine. The psychic being is in the heart centre in the middle of the chest (not in the physical heart, for all the centres are in the middle of the body), but it is deep behind. It is in a fourth dimension, an inner dimension as related to our physical being, behind the solar plexus. Sri Aurobindo in his great epic ‘Savitri’ describes the psychic being as ‘A being no bigger than the thumb of man, into a hidden region of the heart.
This is in reference to verse 2.1.12 of the Katha Upanishad which says “The Purusha, of the size of a thumb, dwells in the body. The psychic being stands behind the heart supporting the mind, life and body. The psychic being is in direct contact with the Divine Truth, but it is hidden by the mind, vital being and the physical nature.
One may do yoga and get illuminations in the mind and the intellect; one may conquer power and luxuriate in all kinds of experiences in the vital; one may establish even surprising physical Siddhis; but if the psychic nature does not come into the front, nothing genuine has been done. It is quite possible for the psychic transformation to take one beyond the individual into the cosmic. The psychic realises the contact with all-existence, the oneness of the Self, the universal love, and other realisations which lead to the cosmic consciousness. The psychisation differs from spiritualisation in the sense that psychic is the change that comes from within by the psychic influencing the mind, vital and physical but the spiritual is the opening of the being to Higher Forces and the change that descends from above.
The psychisation is the first of three transformations in Integral Yoga propounded by Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. It is a fact that the psychic transformation facilitates immensely to the others viz. spiritualisation and supramentalisation – otherwise one is likely to have either a slow and dull or exciting but terrifying journey.
The psychic is in the evolution and makes the being ready to respond to all that comes from the Divine or Higher Nature and unwilling to respond to the lower nature or animal in the being or to any resistance of the lower nature which stands in the way of the divine change. It is a fact that everything is dangerous in the sadhana or can be, except the psychic change.
In the psychic transformation there are three main elements: first, the opening of the occult inner mind, inner vital, inner physical, so that one becomes aware of all that lies behind the surface mind, life and body; second, the opening of the psychic being or soul by which upon it comes forward and governs the mind, life and body turning all to the Divine; third the opening of the whole lower being to the spiritual truth.
There is no process for getting the psychic in front. It usually comes like the other things – we have to aspire for it and it can only happen when we are sufficiently advanced. The psychic being becomes fully open, when the sadhak has got rid of the mixture of mental and vital motives with his sadhana and is capable of a simple and sincere self-offering to the Divine Mother.
If desire is rejected and no longer governs the thought, feeling or action and there is a steady aspiration of an entirely sincere self-giving, the psychic usually after a time opens of itself. Further, Aspiration, constant and sincere, and the will to turn to the Divine alone are the best means to bring forward the psychic. The psychic comes forward of itself either through constant love and aspiration or when the mind and vital have been made ready by the descent from above and the working of the Force.
The psychic being incarnates from the psychic world during birth and return back after the dissolution of the physical body.
It leaves the vital and the mental sheaths in the vital and mental worlds respectively. It is the psychic which chooses the parents, place, circumstances and the movements of the life. It knows all the major experiences in the previous births and has glimpses of future. It is the shortest and the safest approach to the spiritual journey. It gives a sense of Truth, beauty, immense power, serene mind, fearlessness, compassion, love, everlasting bless and feeling of Divinity and Immortality. All of must try to unveil the psychic being for the transformation and realisation.
(The author is Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, University of Jammu, Jammu)