UPA were liability in power, and continue so as oppn: Jaitley

Senior BJP leader and Finance Minister Arun Jaitley today tore into Congress, alleging the rival party’s policies were a “liability” when it was in power and now even as an opposition it is attempting to “create obstacles” so that NDA government cannot achieve progress.
The Union minister was speaking at the BJP’s National Council meeting held here. In his speech, Jaitley accused the UPA government of failing to check corruption and poor showing on the economic front, internal security, foreign policy and other sectors.
“When Congress was in power, its policies had become a liability on this country and its economy. Even as an opposition now, their role is the same, to create obstacles so that the NDA cannot achieve quick progress,” Jaitley said.
“From what has been seen in the last one week, this is what is becoming clear…They were a liability on the economy when in power, they want to continue to be a liability when they are in opposition,” he said.
Jaitley however expressed confidence that BJP “will fulfill” the historical mandate that it has been handed over by the people of the country in the elections.
“We had some information, but after coming into government we realised that how bad a state of affairs the Congress has left,” Jaitley said.
The BJP leader claimed during Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s prime ministership, it was said that the construction of roads had received a boost.
He said that there was not just corruption but also “institutional subversion” to cover that corruption.
He claimed people have hope from the Modi government that it will rebuild the country and added that in 75 days efforts have been made in this direction.
“Now there is a hope from the Narendra Modi government that you rebuild this country. This challenge the BJP, NDA government has accepted with courage,” Jaitley said.
Talking about the steps taken by the Modi government, he said the UPA did not form a SIT on blackmoney but the Modi government immediately did it.
Jaitley also said that in WTO, the Modi government took a
“pro-farmer and pro-poor stance”, and despite criticism from other countries it stuck to it. He said the government is trying to create an investment-friendly climate in the country.
He said words like “policy paralysis”, “tax terrorism” were often used during UPA regime, which are areas where the present government is trying to usher in change.
He said monitoring and keeping prices of food items in control has also been done at the highest levels.
Jaitley said that for economy to grow, a favourable tax regime is needed and claimed this has been the first government to say that we are a “low taxation government” and not a “high taxation government like the UPA”.
He said incentives will be given in small and medium enterprises as well as in power production sector.
Speaking further he said even ministers are accountable in this government.
“In 75 days of government, the opponents are trying their best to find something (against the government) but could not get anything,” he said.
Jaitley said, earlier when foreign dignitaries came to India, they wanted to sell their weapons but now the discussion is on manufacturing defence products in India.
He said the government has clarity and on several issues funds have been allocated.
“There was clarity and we even have allocated funds. Our Kashmiri Pandit brothers, who want to go back to the Valley, the government will provide them with the means and whatever is needed for their stay, we will build them,” he said.
He said Lok Sabha verdict had “proved many election analyses wrong”.
“The way our leaders were harassed. Our national president is the biggest example, I often feel that our opponents recognised Amit Shah abilities much before we did, so he became their target much earlier. We understood his abilities with time,” Jaitley claimed. (PTI)