Upgrading Kamad High School

An ‘oldest’ school in Kamad area of Anantnag district of South Kashmir established as back as in the year 1924 deserving on all counts to be up- graded. However, is not receiving any attention in this regard from the concerned authorities much to the indignation of the residents. In early 60s it was enhanced in grade to middle level and to high school grade in 2005 but till now nothing more than that while other schools not showing as better results as this school and covering more areas too, have been up graded which is beyond one’s comprehension. What could be the yardstick for such reviewing of the grades of Government schools is not explicitly described and at random approach is adopted.
Perhaps, performance at many a place is not rewarded as is seen in respect of this school coming up with 100 percent results especially in 10th class examinations. Why should students be forced to go either to Anantnag or to Dialgam many kilometres far from this area for getting admission in higher secondary classes? Upgrading of this school could result in saving time and money of the students about which the authorities should pay their attention.