Uphold LoC sanctity: India to Pak

NEW DELHI, Aug 22: India today asked Pakistan to uphold the sanctity of the Line of Control and abide by the ceasefire commitment of 2003, asserting that unprovoked incidents on the Line of Control by the Pakistan Army have consequences for bilateral ties.
“India is committed to resolve all outstanding issues with Pakistan, through a peaceful bilateral dialogue in an environment free from violence and terror which has been conveyed to Pakistan.
“Continued terrorism emanating from Pakistan and territories under its control remains a core concern for us. Unprovoked incidents on the Line of Control by the Pakistan Army, also have consequences for our bilateral ties,” Minister of State in the Ministry of External Affairs E Ahmed said in reply to a question in Rajya Sabha.
The minister also emphasised the need for Pakistan to show determined action to dismantle the terrorist networks, organisations and infrastructure and show tangible movement on bringing those responsible for the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attack to justice quickly.
Ahmed also noted that the newly elected Prime Minister of Pakistan has publicly articulated his commitment to seek a relationship with India defined by peace, friendship and cooperation.
The remarks come in the backdrop of series of ceasefire violations on the LoC in Jammu and Kashmir with the two sides trading charges. (PTI)