Uproar in LC over terror attacks; NC-Cong members protest, stage walk-out

Gopal Sharma

JAMMU, Mar 22: The Upper House of the J&K Legislature today witnessed noisy scenes, strong protest and walk- out by the Opposition NC-Congress members over the issue of terrorists’ attack at Samba Army camp and Rajbagh Police Station in Kathua in last two days, disrupting business in the House for about 18 minutes today.
As soon as the Legislative Council today commenced proceedings, all the Congress members including Jugal Kishore, Naresh Gupta, Ravinder Sharma, Ghulam Nabi Monga, Jehangir Mir, Sham Lal Bhagat, Bashir Ahmed Magray and NC members Sajjad Ahmed Kichloo, Ajay Sadhotra, Showkat Ganai, Dr Shehnaz Ganai, B A Veeri, Master Noor Hussain and others stood up from their seats and started protest against the terrorist attacks at Kathua and Samba and alleged that Government has miserably failed to control such incidents while innocents are being killed. They alleged that such incidents are being held due to soft approach of Mufti Government towards militancy.
Leader of Opposition in the House from Congress Jugal Kishore Sharma said that he has given adjournment motion seeking suspension of routine business and holding discussion on this important incident of terrorist attack. He said that Pakistani aided terrorists are killing innocents on this side of the border and Government has totally failed to protect the life and property of the citizens. He alleged that due to soft policy of the Mufti Sayeed towards terrorists such incidents are taking place  in the region.
Ravinder Sharma and Naresh Gupta from Congress launched scathing attack on Coalition Government and asked why Mufti Mohammed Sayeed was hesitant to say terrorists as terrorists or militants. Who were these non- state actors as new definition suggested by the new Chief Minister. Both coalition partners are acting as north pole and south pole and condition is deteriorating day by day. The Government has failed to check such incidents.
Ajay Sadhotra from NC pleaded the Chairman of the Council that he had also given adjournment motion regarding suspension of business and holding of discussion on the issue as the matter pertains to lives and property of the people. The Chairman pointed out that today was very important business pertaining to Budget and maintained that he would allow discussion after Question Hour. But members pleaded that after Question Hour  there is Budget speech. They continued their protest against Government and raised slogans…. Modi Sarkar Hai Hai. The coalition PDP-BJP members also stood up and started counter allegations. Surinder Choudhary, Firdous Tak, Vibodh Gupta, Yash Paul Sharma, Sofi Yousuf and Yasir Reshi launched counter attack. The verbal clash between the two sides in high pitch created furore in the House and nothing was clearly audible. In between, the BJP member Vibodh Gupta started slogans Pakistan Hai Hai.  The chairman repeatedly tried to restore order in the House but he failed. The Congress member said BJP is also raising voice against Pakistan and they are demanding discussion  on the issue but as the Chairman rejected their plea to hold instant discussion the members started loud protest and then staged walk out.
Dy Chief Minister stood up and gave statement addressing to the chairman that Chief Minister himself will arrive in the House and give statement on the issue but the NC-Congress members pressing for their demand staged walk out of the House at 11.18 am. The proceedings were disrupted in the House for about 18 minutes.   They only returned when the Budget speech commenced in the House at around 12 noon.