Uptick on substance abuse needs to be tackled

Navneet Kour
Drugs and alcohol addiction is becoming a major problem in India. The stigma associated with substance use needs to be reduced. Society needs to understand that drug-addicts are victims not criminals and they need help and proper treatment. Substance abuse is on the rise. Some of these could be our daily beverages like tea and coffee. Alcohol, cigarettes etc are known to be addictive. Over doing any of these leads to addiction. There are drugs that get sold under the garb of keeping awake or help you smile tablets.. These can have far reaching negative effects by even a single dose. We all need to unpack the reality of substance abuse and what parents can do to educate, communicate, and protect your child’s future. Over the past two decades, the world has seen a surge of substance abuse and addiction, along with a rise in drug overdose deaths. Helping a loved one struggling with substance abuse is hard, but necessary. When we talk about the rise of addiction and misuse during the pandemic and post pandemic all we need to tackle is about how you can be a better partner to a loved one who is struggling. Teen drug abuse is on the rise, and the risk of overdose is real. My main purpose through our NGO SUPPORT which is a global Voluntary Society is to bring the teenage drugs and substance abuse initiative to schools and Colleges .
I can categorically tell you it’s a battle we are largely loosing. Teenagers using drugs is on the rise, and it has major negative domino effects. Drug addiction and abuse have been steadily increasing and the problem is compounded by factors such as stress of modern life, family problems, poverty, unemployment and social unrest. Young people, especially students, often experiment drugs under the misconceived perception of this being a symbol of high social status or to cope with stress and pressure and end up as drug addicts. Addiction ocurs when its abuse affects a person’s work and normal family life. It creates ripple effect in the lives of the user and his immediate circle of family, friends, co-workers, neighbours and acquaintances. The abuse of the substance causes a tremendous personilty change in the user and those who care about him. Drug addiction not only affects the addict but also the members of his family and friends. Drug and substance abuse is on the rise not only in Jammu and Kashmir but across India . Young people in different parts of the country are turning to drugs to escape from problems of everyday living , having stress of being Jobless and many other things. Today, it is leading to prevalence of mental disorders, addiction and death. Something has to be done and fast . The reality is that addressing youth drug abuse in our Union Territory requires a multi-pronged approach. Education is key. Schools should incorporate comprehensive drug education programs to raise awareness about the risks and consequences of substance abuse . Another important step is to have widespread community engagement. We need to establish, local levels community engagement , support groups and counselling services that allow young individuals struggling with drug abuse to find a safe space to discuss their challenges and seek guidance. It’s essential to ask for help with addiction as soon as possible. If you or a loved one is experiencing negative consequences related to drug or alcohol use, such as poblems at work or in relationships, difficulty controlling substance use, withdrawal symptoms when attempting to quit, or using drugs or alcohol to cope with difficult emotions, it may be time to seek professional assistance. The earlier you seek help, the greater your chances of achieving lasting recovery and improving your overall well-being. Rehabilitation centres are dedicated spaces that help a person to focus on recovery. It offers a structured life for an individual battling addiction to focus on their recovery while taking care of their daily activities.
Rehab centres also have tailored treatment plan that focuses on the reduction of symptoms and is tuned to the unique needs of the individual who is recovering. Such centres also include round-the-clock monitoring and medical supervision to endure a person battling addiction is always cared for. We need to understand the gravity of the addicted and provide them with the best possible ways to recover with there addiction problems. We all need to offer professional counselling sessions to to addicts to eliminate the chances of relapsing into depression even after the rehabilitation treatment. The priority is to give back the everyday social life to these patients. Help us get across this message of awareness working in collaborations with govt and non governmental organisations to reach out to the young children and youth . It’s important to debunk myths around stress and anxiety release through substances. Help this reach as many people as possible. A stitch in time saves nine! In addition, strengthening law enforcement efforts is key.
Focus on disrupting drug supply chains & apprehending dealers. At the same time, offer rehabilitation instead of punitive measures for low-level offenders to break the cycle of abuse. Government and non government organisations need to collaborate and step up its work here in this area to ensure that the young generations are protected. Over the past two decades we have also seen that the Mental health crisis, includes the rise of anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and other mental illnesses.
Collaboration between government, NGOs, and private sector is equally vital. Government must allocate resources to establish treatment centre’s that provide medical, psychological, and social support for individuals in recovery. Efforts must be intensified to promote alternative recreational activities. We are talking investments in sports, arts and cultural programs that offer young people positive outlets for their energy and creativity, reducing their susceptibility to turning to drugs. Another important factor is parental involvement and awareness. Governments and its partners have to provide resources for parents to recognise signs of drug abuse and to engage in open conversations with their children about the risks. Parents need to open their eyes. We need to hold a meetings with various faith leaders in the Union Territory of J&K to discuss on the alarming rise of substance abuse in the UT of J&K . Rehabilitation from drug addiction is a challenging process. But with strong commitment and the right support and treatment, it is possible to overcome the addiction and return to a normal and fulfilling life. The treatment plan should include detoxification, counselling, therapy and medication if required. There is a need for the best infrastructure and a very peaceful environment as compared to any other Nasha mukti Kendra .
Recovery from addiction is a long-term process and requires commitment and effort. We need to motivate our patients to practice healthy habits, exercises and eating a nutritious diet which shall further help in the recovery process. Where we need specialised Counsellors, Counselling Centre’s & several drug de-addiction centres earmarked for the implementation of drug awareness programmes from the Government bodies . Continuous monitoring, research, and adaptation are also crucial. There must be ways to regularly assess the effectiveness of interventions and adjust strategies based on evolving trends and insights. Combating youth drug abuse demands a united & persistent effort. We at NGO SUPPORT in collaboration with GOI approach our work with deep seated commitment to supporting individuals towards holistic healing over the past two decades. Campaigns were supported by NGO SUPPORT in schools colleges , Universities, NCC and NSS Cadets . We thank the Dept of NCB Jammu Zone for making efforts to raise awareness among youth of Jammu & Kashmir through bike rallys , rallys, poster competitions, seminars, campaigns, Nukad Nataks and talk shows in collaboration with NGO SUPPORT. We need to continue this journey to bring awareness together for the future generations and have a drug free Jammu& Kashmir .
(The author is Founder Chairperson of NGO SUPPORT).