US diplomats visit Srinagar to enhance people-to-people ties

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New Delhi, November 5: American diplomats based in New Delhi paid an official visit to Srinagar this week as part of their efforts to bolster people-to-people ties, according to the US Embassy spokesperson, Christopher Elms.
“Diplomats from the US Embassy in New Delhi paid an official visit to Srinagar this week,” the US Embassy Spokesperson said, adding that diplomats accredited to India regularly visit all parts of the country as part of their efforts to expand cooperation with state and local governments and develop people-to-people ties.
Earlier in October, US Ambassador to Pakistan Donald Blome visited Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK). India conveyed its objections to the United States over the US diplomat’s visit to POJK.
During a weekly presser, Ministry of External Affairs Spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said, “Our objections to the visit and meetings in PoJK by the US envoy have been conveyed to the US side.”
Blome’s visit to the PoJK was the second high-profile visit by a US diplomat to the region after the US Congresswomen Ilhan Omar visited PoJK this year.
Earlier this year US Congresswomen Ilhan Omar visited PoJK, responding to which, India in a strongly worded statement said, “She visited a part of Jammu and Kashmir illegally occupied by Pakistan. If such a politician wishes to practice her narrow-minded politics at home that may be her business, but violating our territorial integrity in its pursuit makes it ours.”
India in 1994 had passed a resolution saying PoJK is part of India and Pakistan must vacate and end its illegal occupation. A few months ago, Defence minister Rajnath Singh said ” Pakistan-occupied- Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK) is a part of Indian territory and will continue to be so.” (Agencies)