US, India sign pact to combat terror, Lashkar, Jaish, Dawood Ibrahim on radar

WASHINGTON: In a significant step forward on counter-terrorism, India and the US have signed a pact recognising D Company of Dawood Ibrahim, Jaish-e Mohammad(JeM) and Lashkar-e Tayyiba(LeT) as entities that need to be dealt with in the Indian subcontinent.
In the ‘US-India Joint Declaration on Combating Terrorism”, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj and US Secretary of State John Kerry also “strongly”condemned the terror attack in Gurdaspur, Punjab, and Udhampur.
The two sides have asked Pakistan to bring to justice the perpetrators of the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks, in which nationals of six countries, including the US, were killed.    On the US-India counter terror radar is also Haqqani network which operates on Pakistan-Afghanistan border and is responsible for bombing Indian embassy in Kabul. The Haqqani network is also involved in attacks on the US and NATO forces, and the US has forced Pakistan military to bomb the Haqqani targets.
The joint declaration was signed by Ms Swaraj and Mr Kerry on the occasion of ongoing India-US Strategic and Commercial Dialogue.
The statement assumes significance as it comes ahead of Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s address to the UN General Assembly on Saturday where he is expected to raise the Kashmir issue and cross-border firing on LoC and National Security Advisor Sartaj Aziz’s warning that Pakistan will raise the issue of “involvement of India” in terror attacks inside Pakistan before the world body.
The joint declaration on counter-terrorism also includes thrust areas on the homeland(domestic) security where US police agencies would share their know-how and provide training to Indian police on cracking crime and terror cases. The US-India Megacity Policing Exchange has included Mumbai in the Strong Cities Network, a forum to build sub-national resiliency against violent extremism.
The text of joint declaration is as follows:          Minister of External Affairs Sushma Swaraj and Secretary of State John Kerry on the occasion of the inaugural India-US Strategic and Commercial Dialogue: Reaffirm the commitment of India and the United States to combat terrorism in all its forms, which constitutes a profound threat to global peace and security, and to uphold our common values of democracy, justice, and the rule of law;          Reaffirm President Barack Obama’s and Prime Minister Narendra Modi?s vision to transform the US-India relationship into a defining counter-terrorism partnership for the 21st century;        Reiterate the threat posed by entities such as Al-Qa?ida and its affiliates, Lashkar-e-Tayibba, Jaish-e-Mohammad, D Company, and the Haqqani Network, and other regional groups  that seek to undermine stability in South Asia;         Call for Pakistan to bring to justice the perpetrators of the 2008 Mumbai attack;        Strongly condemn the July 27, 2015 terrorist attack in Gurdaspur, Punjab, and August 5, 2015, attack in Udhampur, Jammu and Kashmir;           Recognise the serious threat posed by ISIL/Da?esh to global security and affirm  efforts to degrade and defeat this threat in accordance with the provisions of United Nations Security Council Resolutions 2178, 2170, and 2199;          Recall the signing of the US-India Counter-terrorism Cooperation Initiative (CCI) and establishment of the Homeland Security Dialogue in 2010, as well as India?s membership in the Global Counter-terrorism Forum (GCTF);        Recall the Memorandum of Understanding signed in January 2015 between the US Department of Treasury and India?s Ministry of Finance to enhance cooperation against money laundering and terrorism financing;         Applaud the 15 year anniversary of the US-India Counter-terrorism Joint Working Group and the provision of Anti-Terrorism Assistance (ATA) training for more than 1100 Indian security personnel since 2009;          Recognise India?s participation in the February 2015 White House Summit on Countering Violent Extremism; and,          Reaffirm their support for a UN Comprehensive Convention against International Terrorism that advances and strengthens the framework for global cooperation and reinforces that no cause or grievance justifies terrorism.
Additionally, Ms Swaraj and Secretary Kerry Commend:          The continuing efforts to finalise  a bilateral agreement to expand intelligence sharing and terrorist watch-list information;  The meeting of the US-India Terrorist Designations Exchange in July 2015 to strengthen cooperation on domestic terrorist designations, including implementation of UN 1373 (2001), and on international designations pursuant to UN 1267/1989;   The proposed next round of the Counterterrorism Joint Working Group in early 2016;    The discussions on cyber security at the US-India Cyber Dialogue in August 2015 and continuing close cooperation on cyber security and information sharing;        Progress toward India?s entry into the US Department of Homeland Security Global Entry Program;  The inclusion of Mumbai in the Strong Cities Network, a forum to build sub-national resiliency against violent extremism;        Continuing discussions on Extradition and Mutual Legal Assistance;  The US-India Megacity Policing Exchange, an initiative to deepen collaboration on training and community policing between local and state law enforcement;   Progress toward a Memorandum of Understanding between the Indian National Police Academy (Hyderabad) and the New York Police Department;    The proposed next meeting of the Homeland Security Dialogue in early 2016.   (UNI)