Use latest technology to fine-tune functioning: Naveen to E&T Deptt

Excelsior Correspondent

Commissioner Secretary Finance, Naveen K Choudhary and Excise Commissioner T Angchok inspecting passing out parade at Nagrota on Saturday.
Commissioner Secretary Finance, Naveen K Choudhary and Excise Commissioner T Angchok inspecting passing out parade at Nagrota on Saturday.

JAMMU, Mar 5: Commis-sioner Secretary Finance, Naveen K Choudhary today called upon the officers of Excise and Taxation Department to update knowledge of taxation laws and use latest technology to achieve better results on the ground.
Mr. Choudhary was addressing the passing out parade of Excise Sub Inspectors at Excise and Taxation Training Institute, Nagrota.
Commissioner Commercial Taxes Hilal Ahmad Parray, Excise Commissioner, T. Angchok, senior officers of the department and trainees were present on the occasion.
Mr Choudhary felicitated the officers of the Excise and Taxation Department for putting in their best efforts to revitalize the key institution. He announced release of Rs 10 lakh for creating sports infrastructure at the Training Institute to enhance the physical fitness of the trainees. He also directed for establishing full-fledged library with all latest facilities which can help the trainees and other concerned to update their knowledge regarding taxation laws and litigations.
The Commissioner Secr-etary announced cash reward of Rs 50, 000 for the trainee officer who performed best in the parade. He also gave away the Best Trainee Award to Chandani (Sub-Inspector) who performed best in the written examination.
Mr Choudhary directed for submission of proposal for landscaping and other developmental activities at the Institute.
Earlier, Excise Commiss-ioner gave a detailed resume of activities of the Department. He said the department has realized revenue of Rs 1048.03 crore during last 11 months against Rs 899.86 crore for the previous financial year. He also informed that the department has realized Rs 93.13 crore during February 2016 on the Toll Front which is 24.53% higher than corresponding period of last year.
The Principal of the Training Institute Mohammad Shahid Saleem gave the details about the training programmes. He said it was the second batch of trainees comprising 25 trainee Sub-Inspectors. “During the 40 day foundation training course, the trainees were given knowledge of Commercial and Sales Tax laws , besides, physical fitness training”, he said.