Usha Vohra chairs Annual General Body Meeting of ASHI

Excelsior Correspondent

First Lady Usha Vohra chairing AGBM of ASHI at Jammu on Wednesday.
First Lady Usha Vohra chairing AGBM of ASHI at Jammu on Wednesday.

JAMMU, Mar 25: Usha Vohra, First Lady and President of ASHI chaired the Annual General Body Meeting of Association for Social Health in India (ASHI), J&K Branch, here at the Raj Bhavan, today.
After extensive discussions, the General Body finalized new projects and activities which will be undertaken by ASHI during 2015-16.
Mrs Vohra urged ASHI members to focus sharply on the empowerment of women and girl children through skill endowment. She sought the views of members to enlarge the organization’s financial base for making it financially self sustaining to the extent possible.
During the course of the AGBM, the members apprised Mrs. Vohra about the activities undertaken by them for achieving the objectives of the organization.  Among the various decisions taken in today’s meeting ASHI members undertook to organize Civil Defence training programmes for young girls living in the rural areas.
While reviewing the activities of the Neha Ghar, Mrs. Vohra stressed the importance of health check up of the inmates being done on a regular basis. She also advised regular monitoring of the vital health parameters of all the inmates of Neha Ghar.
Mrs. Vohra also reviewed the achievements in the Adult Literacy Programme which is being run in the Panchayat Jagti and Panjgrain Project areas. In today’s meeting the ASHI decided to extend the Adult Literacy Programme to two more centres in the Project areas.
On behalf of the Governor, Mrs. Vohra presented a cheque of Rs.3.75 lakh for the advance of ASHI’s activities.
Sushma Choudhary, Vice-President ASHI; Prof. Kailash Rajput, Secretary; Seema Khajooria, Additional Secretary; Nasreen Khan, Joint Secretary; Prof. Ved Ghai; Prof. Sarla Kohli; Prof. Rita Jitendra; representatives of Health and Social Welfare Departments, were among the over 60 members present in the meeting.