Vakil cautions against rising ‘communal polarisation’

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Mar 9: President Jammu and Kashmir Bachao Tehreek and former minister Abdul Gani Vakil  today expressed his serious concern over the increasing incidents of violence and cautioned people against the “machinations of divisive forces, who are trying to vitiate the atmosphere by engineering communal divide.”
Vakil said that some forces are hell bent and are in a fit of desperation to touch the lowest depths to create wedge between various segments of the society, which is known for its mutual brotherhood since ages.
In a statement issued here, Vakil said there appears a complete lawlessness in the State of Jammu and Kashmir and in the country as well. “Communal forces are adamant to vitiate the atmosphere. Now the statues of well known personalities from different schools of thought are being dismantled which is a matter of grave concern,” he said.
Vakil said Jammu & Kashmir is known for its communal harmony and remained a symbol of religious and communal harmony for hundreds of years together. He  said that our mutual brotherhood has remained an example for the whole world. “But now under a well planned conspiracy a particular community is targeted to create a 1947 like situation in the State, but all the people should stand united and fight all these nefarious designs of communal forces who are hell bent to destroy the State of Jammu and Kashmir,” he said.
Former minister said that the people of State are duty bound to save their motherland from falling into the hands of extremist forces who for their political gains want people to fight each other on communal and religious lines.
He said the “politics of polarization” has to come to an end in the State as it is  a question of “our survival and brotherhood”.
Vakil appealed all secular forces to get united to defeat evil designs of those forces who want to damage years of brotherhood and unity between Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs. “If we fail at this crucial juncture to perform our duty to strengthen communal harmony,  nation will never forgive us, ” he added.