Valedictory function of RSS ITC organised

Excelsior Correspondent
KISHTWAR, Jan 1: In order to conclude its seven day basic training program, Prathmik Shiksha Varg (Intermediate Training Course) commonly called ITC by Swamsevaks, a grand valedictory function was here today organized by Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) in the premises of BVM.
The program started with a welcome speech by Varg Karyawah, Vinod Kumar Bhandari. Rajinder Kumar, Vibhag Pracharak, RSS was the chief guest on the occasion while Lakshman Dass, (Veer Chakra) and other dignitaries also attended the programme. Vinod Kumar Bhandari briefed about all the calendar of seven days basic training camp of students. It was a basic training in which the selected Swayamsevaks from various parts of district received training about RSS ideology which imparts them the training of self discipline, character building as well as nationalism.
He further termed the camp as a grand success in which Prant Pracharak, Rupesh Kumar, Seh Prant Sharirik Shikshan Pramukh and Seh Prant Sewa Pramukh, Chanderkant Sharma encouraged the Swayamsevaks with their thoughts during different occasions in between the camp.
While speaking on the occasion, guest of honor Lakshman Dass, (Veer Chakra) hailing from one of the remote corners of Tagood village, showed his great contentment for attending such a camp of RSS which prepares the students as well as the society towards sacrificing their life for nation building. He further congratulated all the participants who got their basic training course in such a cold and even stressed them to work for peace and prosperity of the country. He complimented the organization for giving him such a great honor to attend their function as a special guest.
The chief guest Rajinder Kumar, Vibhag Pracharak, while sharing his experience and need to arrange such annual camps said that the basic foundation of RSS lies in its cadre and a strong cadre can be created by a strong willpower and proper regular trainings.
”As humans need food & water to survive so does this nation needs Swayamsevaks with full spiritual and physical knowledge”, said Rajinder Kumar. While disclosing the daily routine of Swayamsevaks in the camp, he said that the rigorous daily routine, from 4 am till 10 pm, includes physical exercises and yoga in the morning, group discussions on various current issues, lectures and evening drills, training in unarmed combat techniques called ‘Niyuddha’, code of conduct during disaster management, importance of Prachar (publicity), service activities and rural development, and basic lessons in security management and indigenous farming. Moreover stress is laid on ideological and philosophical training in order to sow the seed of national spirit among the people.
In the end, Zilla Sanghchalak Roshan Lal Sharma complimented all the participants who were present on the occasion and also threw light on the life of Swayamsevaks.