Value system in an organization

Rashim Deepika
Communication is a delicate process and men and women view each other as alien life forms when they attempt to interact without benefits of an interpreter. Although men and  women use the same forms of talk in general, there are gender differences in relative frequency of usage these forms. For example in conversations between men and women, either in informal task groups or in intimate relationship, men often speak and interrupt more while women tend to ask a greater number of questions and to tag questions. Women also use qualifiers and disclaimers more often to soften their opinions and employ minimal responses that support other speakers.
Gender differences in non verbal behavior, such as smiling and laughing are also well documented with women smiling and laughing more often than men.
A major theoretical question is why do these observable gender differences exist?
Some authors offer a traditional socialization or sub cultural approach to explain gender differences, contending that women and men learn to talk in different ways as girls and boys and then curry their respective styles into adulthood.Others argue that differences in verbal&non verbalmirror the overall differences in power between men and women in the larger social structural power differences rather than to socialized attributes.
Value system consist of a hierarchically ordered, always open to change set of identifiable ethics, morals, preferences, priorities, world views and purposes by which groups and cultures structure their societies and how individuals integrate within them.Each of these levels of existence has its own distinct values that are particular to it, developed as a response to solving the problems of the previous system.
Corporate Value System
The First value which prescribes the attitude and character of an organization which is oftenly found in code of conduct of an organization web page. The second value category is protected values, which are protected through rules standards and certifications .They are often concerned with health environment and safety.
The third value category, created values, comprises the value that stakeholders, including the shareholders, expect in return for their contributions to the firm.
The rapidly increasing speed of business and the expectation of more, better and faster result in the market place demands a level of change capacity unseen before.
The effects of globalization & the interned era further influence, the value system.
How do the values of an organization impact the approach to managing change.
The business world is fascinated by culture.Great leaders know how to leverage culture to ensure wildly successful business outcomes.Organizational value system impact the way change happens. What is important to an organization? How to make decisions? Who is in charge? How to relate to other employees and groups within our organization? What behaviors are rewarded and recognized?
The answer to these questions vary from country to country, from industry to industry from organization to organization and from department to department.
Unique Principles
Certain core aspects of change are common to all humans, industry or nationality
* Communication is essential yet there is disconnect between senders & receivers.
* Change happens on an individual and deeply personal level. Resistance is the normal human reaction to change.
* The size and scope of the change itself impacts how it will be received.
* On its own, the right answer is not enough to bring about change.
* Change is a process.
Value Impact employee reaction to change
The culture of an organization has a direct impact on how employees react to change and what specific change Management strategies will be most effective.
In many modern workplaces, employees are presently engaged with and heavily invested in the current state. They take ownership of their work and feel authority to make decisions about their own work process. These values helped in increasing the productivity and performance metrics.
Change frequently happened from the top down, employees did not have decision making authority,because the senior leader said in and of itself was a great motivator of desire in a patriarchic environment. These traditional operating system are still prevalent today.
In the traditional environment, change management is necessary but it takes less dedicated time and  energy. People who are engaged and fully understand why the change is being made will be more committed and  produce better result. However, the amount of effort required for building desire is lower as the amount of work managing resistance at the individual level. Though passive or unspoken resistance still exists, open resistance is less prevalent because consistency & predictability are rewarded behaviors.
(The author is Chief Accounts Officer, PW (R&B)Department  Jammu)