Vanishing values

As said by Swami Vivekanand,”Your life is a creation of your thoughts”.The quality of ones thoughts depends upon ones values of life and sanskaras acquired through socialization process, by societal interaction and through political and social institutions.
Indian society has remained an epitome of highest  moral and spiritual values.But due to influence of changing social and cultural norms  attributed to various factors like urbanization, industrialization and globalization  our age old values of joint family system ,love and respect for our elders have been shaken.Now, we have so called modern but unethical social change leading to frequent divorces, violence against women, cyber crime, drug addiction etc. resulting in vanishing of Indian values which from time immemorial has emphasized on purity of thought and action.Let us preserve our ”Indianisation” by preserving our cultural heritage and social values.
Yours etc…
Surekha Bhat (Kaw)
Roopnagar, Jammu