Various social organisations welcome Modi Govt’s decision

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Aug 5: The Union Government’s decision to grant separate UT status to Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh Region along with abrogation of Articles 370 and 35 A has been widely welcomed in the State today.
The jubilant people in various parts of Jammu city held celebrations and distributed sweets and danced to the tune of drum beats. They congratulated the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, and Home Minister, Amit Shah and termed the decision of his Government a great revolutionary step.
They said what Congress could not do in its 70 years rule was done by Modi Government in over five years.
VHP, while welcoming the decision termed it a historical and revolutionary step of Narendra Modi Government.
Talking to reporters here, today along with its general secretary, Abhisheik Gupta, VHP State president, Leela Karan Sharma congratulated Narendra Modi – Amit Shah duo and their team for this historical step to undo the wrong done with the nationalist people of the State over last 70 years by the Congress and Kashmir centric leaders.
He said to maintain their monopoly the Congress and the leaders of NC and PDP had subjected the Jammu and Ladakh regions to discrimination in every field through manipulated delimitation. This way they tried to maintain their hegemony over the two regions of the State and usurped their rights. With this decision the hegemony of Kashmiri leadership will end once for all and the doors of development and prosperity will be wide open for the people of the State.
Leela Karan Sharma said this became only possible with Narendra Modi being the PM of the country. Maintaining that it is a great decision in the national interests, he said every nationalist Indian feels elated today and August 5 will be a great day for the history of nation and people of Jammu and Ladakh regions who were subjected to discrimination over these years.
Supporting the decision, VHP general secretary, Abhisheik Gupta and Media incharge Rajesh Bhasin said their organisation fully endorses the decision.
Expressing its jubilation over the decision of Union Government, All India Kashmiri Samaj (AIKS) has commended it. In a statement issued by AIKS general secretary, M K Pajan said the Government of India has finally acted on Kashmir with unprecedented clarity and decisiveness by taking bold decisions which will have wide ranging positive ramifications for the entire Sub-Continent. The decision will be a great blow to Jehadis , separatists and those so called main stream politicians of Kashmir who for the last 70 years played a double game and contributed to the creation and sustenance of unstable and uncertain conditions in the State, while using these very conditions to fill their own coffers.
Jammu Province Peoples Forum (JPPF) in a meeting held under the leadership of its president, Th. Pavitar Singh extended heartiest congratulations to the Union Government in general and Prime Minister, Narendra Modi in particular for settling down the seven decades old issue. In a statement here today, the Forum said revocation of Article 370 in one stroke has given relief to many connecting problems and people of Jammu province and nationalist forces in Kashmir are celebrating the occasion.
ABVP, while welcoming the decision took out a celebration march from Baba Jitto Hostel to Flag Square Jammu University to celebrate the decision taken by Modi Government. Deepak Gupta, State secretary, ABVP led the celebrations.
A celebration function was held here, today under the leadership of Deputy Mayor, JMC, Purnima Sharma in which jubilant activists congratulated each other on the historical decision.
Shri Amarnath Jee Travellers Welfare Association , general secretary, Raju Chandel complimented the Prime Minster for his bold and historic decision.
BJP State Executive Member, Raman Suri while welcoming the decision said PM, Narendra Modi has rewritten history by undoing over 70 years wrongs with people of the State and fully integrating the State with Union of India.
National Democratic Party India (NDPI) national president, Sandeep Turki and State president, Rajesh Gupta have also welcomed the decision of Modi Government.
BJP senior leader, Virenderjit Singh has also welcomed the Modi Government decision saying that entire world came to know that Modi can script a new history for India.
Shri Amar Kshatriya (Rajput) Sabha J&K president, Kr Narayan Singh has strongly hailed the decision of Modi Government and said abrogation of 370 and 35 A and granting separate UT status to Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh is bold decision of Modi Government.
Panun Kashmir convener, Dr Agnishekhar and its chairman, Dr Ajay Chrungoo have termed step of Modi Government as one of the greatest and revolutionary decisions in the history of independent India. The PK leaders said the Modi Government deserves all praise and Kudos for such a bold and revolutionary decision which will end 70 year old discrimination with nationalist people in the State as well as victims of terrorism.
In a Statement issued here, today they said that entire nation is with the Modi Government in this revolutionary step.
Muslim Rashtriya Manch (MRM) has also welcomed the decision of Modi Government. The Manch activists distributed sweets and congratulated each other over the decision. It said 370 and 35 A was the cause of all mess in the State and demanded that the Government should go ahead with delimitation process to give its due to Jammu region which has been subjected to lot of discrimination over last seven decades through the hands of Kashmiri leaders.
Kashmiri Pandit Sabha (KPS) Jammu has also welcomed the historic decision of Narendra Modi Government. Sabha chief, K K Khosa in a statement here ,today said that the decision will change the whole paradigm of governance in this border State which has been at receiving end of terrorist activity for the past three decades and will open new vistas of development and progress for the three regions of the State.
Global Kashmiri Pandit Diaspora (GKPD) while welcoming the decision said it is a historic event in the post –independence history of India.
GKDP’s Political Steering Committee chairman, Moti Kaul in a statement said now BJP has fully delivered its electoral promises to the long suffering Kashmiri Pandits specially and the residents of Jammu and Ladakh generally. The GKDP organised a teleconference of some of the leading personalities of the community all over the world. They all were unanimous in appreciating the decision of GoI and the steps taken by PM Narendra Modi and HM, Amit Shah.
K N Pandita a renowned scholar said the day will go down as Kashmir Liberation Day, liberation from dynastic rule, liberation from corruption, liberation from an unjust State.
KPC chief, Kundan Kashmir while welcoming the decision said this way Modi Ji has shown entire world that India has the courage and strength to take on the divisive forces and defend its unity and integrity. He however reiterated the demand of creation of separate Kashyap State with UT status for KPs in Valley.
Akhil Bharatiya Jansangh has also lauded the Modi Government for this bold and revolutionary decision. In a statement general secretary of the party, Rakesh Kaul Gurkha said the decision is tribute to founder of Janasagh, Dr Shyama Prasad Mookherjee and its other former presidents late Balraj Madhok and Pt Prem Nath Dogra.
All Migrant Camp Coordination Committee (AMCCC) also in a meeting today held under the chairmanship of its president, Desh Rattan termed the Modi Government’s decision a historical step. He said this will be a great blow to Jehadis, separatists, fundamentalists and corrupt politicians in the State.
Jagti Coordination Commi-ttee (JCC) has also welcomed the decision of Modi Government. JCC leaders, Ravi Zutshi and Vijay Kaul said what Congress could not do in 70 years Narendra Modi led BJP did it in just six years.
Former Minister and National President Aromatic Plants Growers Association of India Randhir Singh said that scrapping Article 370 is a bold decision taken by Prime Minister, Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah.
He said that the decision of scrapping Article 370 is a bold step towards strengthening national integration, adding that today is the day to pay tributes to thousands of solders who have sacrificed their life for Kashmir since 1947.
“The decision to scrap Article 370 will bring investment and development in Jammu, Ladakh and Kashmir”, he said, adding that the people of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh have been deprived of State benefits by the two families—Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah and Mufti Mohammad Sayeed, who rules the State.
He also demanded action against corrupt politicians and state bureaucrats who had acquired wealth beyond their imagination.
Singh also condemned the statement of National President NCP Sharad Pawar for speaking against the scrapping of Article 370.
State president, Manava-dhikar National Party (MNP) Sanjay Dhar while welcoming the decision termed it a bold step to end the 70 year old discriminatory law which was a barrier between Union of India and State and an impediment in its total integration with rest of the country thereby creating doors open for separatists.
President, Jammu Justice Movement, O P Mangotra while welcoming the decision has congratulated the people of J&K and Ladakh on this historic moment.
Citizens Forum president, R K Chadda while welcoming the decision said this way Narendra Modi has scripted a new history for the country.
Bhuvneshwar Gandotra president Jammu Heritage Society congratulated Amit Shah, Union Home Minister for taking this historical decision. He expressed the hope that majority people of the State will also welcome the decision.
Bharat Bushan Gosani, vice chairman Ward 34, Jan Kalyan Welfare Committee while welcoming the decision said PM Narendra Modi showed the guts by correcting the wrongs of history with a single stroke of pen.
Ashwani Kumar Chrungoo, BJP State spokesperson on Kashmir Affairs expressed great satisfaction and happiness over the bold and historic move of the BJP Modi led Government to abrogate Article 370 and Article 35A. In addition to this, the reorganisation of the State into two Union Territories is indeed a historic and path breaking step that will settle all unsettled issues.
Chrungoo said that the landmark legislation in the Parliament and the Presidential Order notified in the Gazette of India provide gender equality, human rights and the spirit of fundamental rights to the citizens of India. 1947 West Pakistan refugees have been provided justice after their exploitation of 72 years by the Kashmir centric leadership driven by Muslim precedence doctrine.
Hailing govt initiative of reorganizing the State of Jammu & Kashmir form state to Union Territories, Th. K P Singh, Chairman DSSP Kissan Cell and founder of Tanda Tiger Force stated that 5th August 2019 Monday will go down as a Golden Day in Indian political history because of passage of historic bill in the Rajya Sabha.
While in the news was likelihood of abrogation of Article 35 A and some apprehensions of abrogation of Article 370 at a later date, sudden re-organisation plan is a bullet from the blues and most heartening. While the so called main stream Kashmiri political leaders may be upset and feel helpless, majority of the people in the Valley and almost every Jammuite has appreciated the passage of the bill, he stated.
Arya Pratinidhi Sabha Jammu and Kashmir expresse thanks and gratitude to the Prime Minister Narendra Modi under whose stewardship his competent Home Minister Shri. Amit Shah introduced as well as got the bill passed from Rajya Sabha for Abrogation of Article 370 and Article 35-A by giving independence to the people of Jammu and Kashmir after seven decades. Arya Pratinidhi Sabah extends full support to the present Government its endeavor for any such task in the near future which will be for the overall benefit and betterment of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.
All Jammu Kashmir Panchayat Conference (AJKPC) has welcomed the historic decision of BJP-led NDA government at Centre to scrap Article 370, saying it will pave way for implementation of 73rd and 74th Constitutional amendments to strengthen Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) and civic bodies in J&K.
In a statement issued here today, the AJKPC president Anil Sharma said that his organisation has been fighting for strengthening PRIs in Jammu and Kashmir for last ten years but the Article 370 was a major impediment in its path.
Ex Sarpanch, Kokernag, Nana Ji Raina has also welcome the historic decision. Relief, holders held a meeting at Jagti under leadership of Ravinder Kaul in which the decision of Modi Government was hailed by all.
Kewal Krishan Sharma president Refugees Sadar Sabha J&K has welcomed the historic decision of Narendra Modi Government. In a statement issued here today he said Prime Minister and Home Minister with the decision has taught a lesson to separatists and corrupt elements in the Valley who looted the State exchequer over the years. He expressed the hope that Government will also give justice to refugees who were subjected to discrimination over the years.