VAT and veterans

Col J P Singh, Retd
One Rank One Pension (OROP) ironically has come through after a distasteful struggle. It was such genuine and legitimate a demand of the armed forces that the ex-servicemen (ESM) resolved to get it any how. Callous attitude of successive govts created conditions compelling them to disown and dump their gallantry awards, medals and artificial limbs at the door steps of President of India, who happens to be supreme Commander of Armed forces. Finally it happened after three decades. Part of the ESM fraternity attributes this generosity of the govt to Narendra Modi’s demand of white paper on the OROP issue in Ex-Servicemen rally at Rewari whereas others consider it Rahul Gandhi sop.
There have been certain amount of unhappiness and disappointment among the retired officers and men since long with regards to the attention paid by the UPA govt to their status, Izzat, élan, welfare and entitled pay and pension issues. Disillusioned with concurrent neglect of national security and up-gradation of forces, Gen (Retd) VK Singh has joined BJP; first ever ex services chief to do so, suggesting a paradigm shift in attitude of the veterans. While the senior veterans may join political parties, it is hoped that they do not, in any way, consider impacting apolitical stance of the armed forces, or present / project soldiers as beggars and make politicians maai-baap giving them sops. No General or any nationalist, for that matter, should ever try to politicise or corrupt the armed forces. Anna Hazare has not done it, so be others.
Every one in the govt and those associated with the armed forces know that as disciplined soldiers, ESM have kept their grievances quietly to themselves hoping that something to alleviate their distress will happen without their having to resort to un-disciplined means. Can this excellent soldierly spirit of putting up with their difficulties in this manner be mimicked? This oddity can’t go on indefinitely whilst other young men of our country who seek and obtain lucrative jobs outside the armed forces have none of these problems to face. Should soldiers’ meagre interests be overlooked to risk a significant apolitical section of society go astray.
For the ESM of J&K, one of the main issue’s  is 13.5 % VAT in CSD  purchases which is either fully exempt or very little in neighbouring states and not levied at all in some. In J&K, none of the legitimate and long pending demands of ESM, not only not met but rather mimicked. The govt just does not wink when humbly approached. While family pensioners all over India are getting double pension after the central govt order of 16 January 2012, J&K has not given double family pension as yet.  There is no representation of ESM in the legislature despite huge Ex-Servicemen population. J&K Ex-Services League has submitted memorandums, one after the other to no heed. A memorandum was presented to the Honb’le Chief Minister Omar Abdullah on 31 Jan 2012. He gave assurances on relief in VAT besides other promises including an ‘Ex-Servicemen Grievance Cell’ in the Secretariat. All assurances have been buried under the carpet. How long should ESM hold their patience? Soldiers are soldiers even if retired.
The cost of living has gone up considerably in the past. The inflation is very high. Despite reasonably good pensions, ESM are not able to live a good life as their counterparts from the civil services. They want legitimate dues which can help them improve standards of living without resorting to unfair practices to boost income or serving as Security Guards at someone’s gate on a meagre salary. It is also seen that high risks, inadequate pay and pensions and govt apathy are becoming a stumbling block in attracting the best of our young men to the armed forces.
Veterans of J&K are not asking too much. They want reduction in the VAT to be at par with neighbouring States, entitled job reservations, double family whom entitled and genuine redressal of other grievances. For the information of the govt, Punjab Chief Minister has inaugurated a 100 Crore mega ‘State War Heroes Memorial’ at Ranjit Avenue ground Amritsar on 12 February 2014 whereas sacred flame in Balidan Stambh Jammu remains switched off for want of one LPG cylinder a day. On this occasion Punjab CM  announced following for the soldiers. (i) Reduction of VAT on products to be purchased from CSD from 6.5 % to 4 %. (ii) A dedicated court at Jallandhar. (iii) Property tax fully waived off on the residential property. (iv) 13 % reservation backlog of ESM to be filled within six months. (v) A ‘special employment board’ set up under Chairmanship of Chief Secretary to coordinate employment of serving and ESM. (vi) Amendment in Punjab Rent Act to get soldiers properties easily vacated from tenants. (vii) Grant to war widows to construct / purchase a house or plot, raised from Rs 5 Lac to 10 Lac. (viii) War Jagir raised to ten thousands from five. (ix) A toll free number with Under Secretary Revenue to redress ESM grievances. In districts, DY Commissioners to redress soldiers grievances. (x) Women Armed Forces preparatory institute to train girls to join armed forces. (xi) Dedicated police stations in Jallandhar and Amritsar for ESM. In addition he raised NCC Cadets refreshment allowance from Rs 6 to 25 per day and their camp ration money from Rs 75 to 95 a day. Haryana and Himachal are already way ahead of J&K in their ESM welfare schemes. No wonder Punjabis, Haryanvis and Himachal Dogras enthusiastically queue up for the armed forces.
Veterans are heard saying that since majority of the ESM is from Jammu region, govt is insensitive to their demands and that is why  no representation in Legislature. Since Jammu is subjected to discrimination since independence, the ESM willy-nilly become victims. If that be true, seeds of injustice and discrimination are sure to germinate. Sensing the discrimination of state govt, ESM of J&K have started following political developments. They have understood that it needs a well defined vote strategy to have their voice heard. Writing is clear on the walls. For such discrimination, two political parties have paid the  price  in Jammu region in the past. J&K and army in J&K are always in the news for some or the other reason. Let there be no confrontation between the govt and soldiers. Whatever policy it adopts on AFSPA, VAT relief and other welfare issues, it impacts not only the serving and ex-servicemen but their family members and relatives as well which translates to 15 – 20 lakh voters in J&K. This time indications are ‘vote against the govt’ which has denied them their legitimate dues. The signal for the govt of J&K is that ESM should be helped to live as contended citizens and military  be helped to remain the enduring hope of our nation.