VC KU interacts with research scholars

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, June 2: Vice Chancellor, University of Kashmir, Prof A M Shah along with Dean Research, Prof K I Andrabi, newly appointed Dean Academic Affairs, Prof M Ashraf Wani and Registrar, Prof Zafar Reshi today had a detailed interaction session with research scholars from each department to seek inputs on improving quality of research in the University.
“Suggestions based on your experience in the University will help find solutions to problems being faced by research scholars” said Prof Shah terming this interaction as an important step to address growing challenges in Research. “We may not directly benefit from the initiatives we take today but our future generation would definitely reap the fruits” he said while asking scholars to come up with workable proposals and projects that would reinforce the research process at UoK.
He also assured availability of University administration at all times for resolution of their issues.
Dean Research, Prof Andrabi asked students to play a role in generating factual awareness about research and its regulations to avoid unwarranted delays in processes like registration etc. At his maiden session as Dean Academic Affairs, Prof Ashraf Wani assured students of full support on his behalf.
Registrar, Prof Reshi during the session asked students to ensure plagiarism is discouraged and genuine research undertaken. He asked scholars to explore all options of funding in order to register meaningful research.
Scholars hailed the step terming it a welcome initiative and that such meetings would help in the speedy resolution of issues faced by research scholars.
During the session, scholars spelled out issues including improvement of research labs, regular electricity, acquisition and maintenance of research equipment besides creation of a Central Research Facility for the benefit of research scholars. Authorities asked scholars to put up the points soon in order to have their speedy resolution.