VDCs on Vigil

Avtar Bhat

Since their constitution in 1995 when militancy was on peak in the state of J&K and people in the hilly belts of Jammu region were also looking for mass migration in view of increasing massacres and terrorist attacks on them, the Village Defence Committees (VDCs) did a commendable job in weeding out terrorism from their areas and restored peace and people’s confidence.
Perturbed over  increasing terrorist violence and massacres after the militants spread their tentacles in Jammu region, as well, the then Union Government led by P V Narsimha Rao was left with no alternative but to constitute VDCs in the State for restoration of democratic and political process.  The VDCs did a yeoman’s service to the militancy ravaged people since their constitution in not only providing security to the people in their respective hamlets in remote and secluded areas of the State but also assisted the security forces in anti terror operations.
However,  recently a controversy dogged the VDCs with separatists as well as their sympathizers launching a vicious campaign against them and demanding their  disbanding which is seen as a big game plan  by nationalist people to force their mass exodus from the hilly belt of Jammu on the pattern of mass exodus of minorities from  the Valley which took place in 1989-90.
Defending the role of VDCs, the militancy affected people of Jammu region said that the move was aimed at reviving the militancy in the region whose back had been broken by VDCs as the militants and their harbourers were more scared of VDCs at present than security forces because they (VDCs) managed to keep the terrorist at bay and did not let them enter  those areas after 1995 where the VDCs were constituted by the Government.
Not only the VDC members and their SPOs belonging to minority community in erstwhile Doda district or in twin border districts of Poonch and Rajouri, but VDC members belonging to majority community are tooth and nail opposed to the demand of disbanding the VDCs in the hilly reaches and term it as a part of big conspiracy to give militancy a new lease of life in this belt which otherwise has no chance of its revival in presence of VDCs.
Once VDCs are disbanded in militancy affected areas of erstwhile Doda district and twin border districts of Rajouri and Poonch, the militants will re-group again, said Mohammed Asgar (name changed) a VDC member from a remote village of Bhadarwah. After the increased infiltration across the border the dreaded Lashkar-e-Toiba is trying to re-group its cadres in this belt and start operations, he added.
He, while counting the role of VDCs said it was because of their hard efforts and vigil that Hindus and Muslims live in complete peace and harmony in the erstwhile Doda district where the militants tried to create a communal divide earlier by making selective killings. When Muslim majority at various places resisted against this they targeted them also and many people from both the communities lost their lives in militants’ attacks prior constitution of VDCs in 1995, he added.
He said soon after the constitution of VDCs they not only protected their hamlets, maintained peace and communal amity but also kept the terrorists at bay as they did not dare to enter those hamlets where the VDCs existed.
The VDCs are still needed in this hilly belt as the terrorism has not been completely eliminated from there, said Ramzan Wani (name changed) from a remote village in Doda district. In view of  fresh infiltration from across the border and terrorist attacks on army and police personnel at border and within the State as well as the killing of ex-Director of SKIMS which are not isolated incidents, the Government has to remain vigilant and proactive. This shows militants are neither out nor down and in view of the recent intelligence reports, the Government should revive its pro-active strategy to thwart their designs as militants are trying to regroup again by making appeals to youth through pamphlets and posters to join its ranks, he added.
Disbanding of VDCs is a game plan of separatists who at the behest of Pakistan and ISI want to revive the sagging morale of militants, said Manjit Razdhan a BJP leader from Bhadarwah. They (separatists) and their mentors across the border want to create the nineties type situation in the hilly reaches of Jammu again to force the migration of nationalist people from there and militants get a free deal in ruling the roost. Maintaining that the VDCs role in anti militancy operations is before every body as well as Government of India, which was instrumental in their constitution in 1995 to start political and peace process in the state by installing a political Government.
He said infiltration has again started in border belt and dreaded militant outfit Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) wants to spread its net work again. The appearance of posters in various areas of Kishtwar recently and appealing youth to join militants ranks is an indication in this regard. Accusing the Government of its failure in taking a tough stance against terrorism and eliminating the terrorists, he said  the people who have been part of anti militancy operations in this hilly belt feel demoralized at present. Whosoever fought against the terrorism has been demoralized by the Government and against some people false charges have been leveled, he added.
The SOG has been closed and those locals who were working with it and who had played a leading role in elimination of dreaded terrorists have been transferred to far of areas, he said. This way the Government was also trying to create fear psychosis among the masses and further the game plan of separatists, he added.
Highlighting the exemplary courage and valor displayed by VDC members in the hilly belt of erstwhile Doda district, he said many of them laid down their lives in fighting terrorism and in Dachan area of Kishtwar a group of  VDCs was eliminated in 2001 by terrorists but still they did not give up and continued their fight against terror. Seeing that their game plan of forcing the migration of nationalist people from erstwhile Doda district will not work in presence of VDCs, the separatists have started throwing feelers against VDCs by defaming them and leveling wild allegations against its members, he added.
Mohammed Rafiq, a youth from Kishtwar while defending the VDCs said that in case they are disbanded the situation will again deteriorate in this hilly belt and become worst than 1995 when they were constituted to instill sense of security among the people who were scared of militants and trying to migrate to other areas for their safety and security. Let the Government restore peace fully in the State and break the back of terrorists as well as their harborers and then talk of disbanding militancy.
Situation is not conducive for disbanding VDCs said Ramesh, a VDC SPO as after surrendering their guns, the VDC members will become the safe targets of militants who are still active in hilly reaches like Galadhar in Doda etc. “ Justifying continuance of VDCs and appreciating their role, he said we saved our villages, protected people and assisted security forces in anti militancy operations.”
He said prior to the constitution of VDCs in 1995 militants attacked twice our hamlet Kundsarrow in Doda and after the VDCs were constituted we eliminated three militants and since then no one dared to attack the village.
Same have been the views of Ali (changed name) from a remote village in Bhadarwah who said seven people were killed in his village by militants prior to constitution of VDCs in 1995 and forcing the people of both the communities to flee from the village. Then SSP Doda called them and people demanded setting up of a police picket in the area,  which he rejected saying that the Government does not have the manpower. “It was he (SSP) who asked us to constitute VDCs and fight terrorists by themselves”. “We agreed this and eight VDCs were constituted and given eight guns-four to Hindus and four to Muslims. Since then people are living in complete peace and without any threat he added.
He said once the VDCs are disbanded the Government should make arrangements of providing quarters to all villagers at safer places so that they don’t become the targets of militants again.
Rubbishing the separatist Hurriyat propaganda and its demand on disbanding VDCs, a local Sarpanch in a remote area of Bhadarwah said that Hurriyat leaders including Syed Ali Shah Geelani has no locus standi in demanding disbanding of VDCs as it is for the  Government to take a decision. Since the threat is still there and situation has not become conducive, it will not be advisable to disband VDCs who have done a commendable job in elimination of militants from hilly reaches of Jammu region, he added.
He said VDCs provide security to people and they are a threat to anti national and anti social elements and not to the peace loving people. The Hurriyat is  misleading the people in this regard by raking up the issue of disbanding VDCs which should be rejected lock stock and barrel, he added.
Justifying the role of VDCs BJP state spokesperson and National Executive member, Dr Jitendra Singh said that they were constituted in desperation by then Union Government led by P V Narsimha Rao in 1995 which wanted to start political process in the state and install the people Government there. The maximum benefit of constituting VDCs went to NC as smooth conduct of elections after over six years of Governor’s  rule became possible in the State and Dr Farooq Abdullah was installed the Chief Minister.
He said the malicious propaganda launched against the BJP is quite wrong as if the VDCs were only its brain child, Dr Singh said  had they been not there the restoration of political process would have been a distant dream at that time. He alleged that both Congress and NC were exploiting the issue of VDCs from time to time for political gains. In 1990 both the parties used VDCs as a breakthrough against paralyzing terrorism, now when the elections are approaching both the parties have joined the separatist bandwagon in demanding winding up of VDCs.
He said to fight terrorism and protect people in remote villages, constitution of VDCs by arming villagers themselves to tackle militants was thought to be more feasible option. Recalling that both State and Central Governments at that time had backed the move to set up VDCs as it was also considered to be a major money saver since each member of the VDC was to be paid a humble sum of Rs 500 per moth for his services, thus saving the Government crores of rupees that it would otherwise had to spend on stationing troops in remote and secluded villages.