Vedas – A treasure of unlimited knowledge

Swami Ramswarup
The ancient as well as present learned people of eternal knowledge of vedas have clearly stated that right from the beginning of the creation till now, whatever the scientists have researched, their research has been according to the vedic philosophy i.e.,whatever has been happening that matter already exists in the eternal knowledge of vedas. For example – Present science states that the earth is created from the fire and water. The earth revolves around the sun and also rotates at its own axis. The reason of the revolution of earth is sun.
Day and night, seasons etc., are also generated due to the rotation and revolution of earth.
Actually, the said matters have already beenexplained in Yajurved mantra 3/6, right from the beginning of the creation.
Now see that Shastra states:-
“Tarvoapi Hi Jeevanti, Jeevanti Mrigpakshinnaha.” i.e., the trees, aswell as birds and animals are alive.
Vedas clarify that in the trees/plants,soul exists. Therefore, the trees also experience the sorrow, pleasure, heat and cold etc., but the said experiences cannot be seen by anybody else.
The said matter is eternal and exists invedas, which the science has now discovered.
Rigved mantra 1/32/1-2 and 8/77/4 state that rays of sun cause evaporation of water of rivers, seas etc., in the form of steam and carry it above to the atmosphere,which is again converted into rain.
The present science has also discovered the same process.
The present science has discovered the electricity which is alreadymentioned in Rigved mantra 10/51/5, 8 that we should generate theelectricity from water. In Rigved mantra 8/5/8 the vedas preach to make such an aircraft which can fly in the sky with passengers continuously for three days and three nights.
This philosophy is also eternal but the modern scientists have discovered it now.
Rigved mantra 1/15/1 states that the sun causes division of time and in the springseason sucks the juice of green vegetation. In Yajurved mantra 18/24, there islot of knowledge of unlimited numbers and in the next mantra, there isknowledge of table of 4. So all the science regarding mathematics, algebra,trignometry etc. already exists in vedas.
Yajurveda mantra 17/2 preaches aboutnumbers 1, 10, 100 etc., i.e. knowledge of unlimited countings which also contains the knowledge of zero.
Atharvaved gives the knowledge of medical science and knowledge of God (Brahma) also.
Samved mantra 377 preaches that in the space several planets are revolving but never hit each other.
Idea is this that vedas give unlimited knowledge right from straw toBrahma. However, we must know it that Atharvaved states that the main subject and motto of four vedas is God. Here we are giving little bit knowledge of science from vedas so that the article does not become lengthy. For the last about morethan 5,000 years we have oversighted vedas; so in India, the Land of Rishi-Munis,no more new Rishi-Munis, that is, learned people  of vedas and Ashtang Yog Philosophyare being produced.
The famous scientist Frith Jof Korpe in hisbook-“Tao auv physics” [1979] has fully accepted that the vedic knowledge aboutmatters is completely according to the science of 20th century and in all the books of the world, whatever truth is mentioned there in, it alreadyexists in vedas.
However,worldly and spiritual knowledge which exists in the vedas is still required to be discovered from the learned and the scientists.
Four vedas teach the following three educations-
(i)    Knowledge– science etc (Gyan) in Rigved,
At the time ofevery creation, knowledge of four Vedas emanates directly from God and isoriginated in the heart of four Rishis in non-sexual creation. In the saidprocess, first of all, the knowledge of Rigved advents and originates in theheart of Rishi Agni. In this Veda though the description of every worldlymatter right from straw to God has been mentioned but it speaks especiallyabout matters concerning science of the world. God has describedqualities/ nature of all materialistic articles of the universe. Therefore, theentire mankind must get the benefit of eternal knowledge of Vedas by knowingabout right from straw to Brahma i.e., God. The meaning of “Ric” is thatwherein the qualities and nature of all matters have been described and themeaning of Veda is knowledge i.e., eternal and everlasting true knowledge.These words are used in making the pious word “Rigved”.
(ii)    In Yajurved, the form of true, pious deeds have been preached.
So, in the absence of listening of Yajurved, we can’t knowabout real moral duties of students, married persons, vanprasthis and sanyasis.Even the moral and social obligations of King, parents, children etc., can’t beknown. That is why, the problems of corruption etc. in the said section ofsociety are normally being observed.
(iii)    In Samved there is preach about eternal true worship of God like Yajyen, name jaap, practice of Ashtang yog by following which an aspirant realises God/attains salvation.
In the ancient times of Rajrishis, Rishi-Munis,Yogis, the above education used to be attained and spread door to door. That iswhy, our ancient books written by Rishi-Munis like Mahabharat epic etc. tell usthat the people of the universe attained peace, ill-free, long, happy life, bright future, brotherhood etc. but due to lack of vedic knowledge, the said peace etc. has been converted into terrorism, poverty, casteism, corruption, dirty, selfish, power hungry, rude, noisy, abusive politics, blind faith,dishonor of women, insult of parents and elders etc.
How astonishing and painful behavior is being experienced by the public? Now little hope has arisen to spread vedic knowledge as the learned men from abroad have started learning vedas and since then equality/similarity on the subject of spiritualism and science is also beingrealized between Indian and European countries.