Vedas cure mind trouble

Swami Ram Swarup Ji, Yogacharya

Keeping in view, the mental cases which are rising day by day at world’s level, the medical authorities have been trying their level best to cure the disease but I think, their hard working has not been of much use. What to talk of European countries, our India has also not escaped from the said crucial disease. See, if even one person is affected from mental disease in a family it means the peace of mind of all the members of family is disturbed badly. According to Vaisheshik Shastra Sutra 4/1/3written by Kannad Rishi, for the happening of something, there must be a reason behind. For example- when the birth of son happens, his parents are the reason behind.
Therefore, definitely behind the mental depression or mental disease etc. there should be a reason and when the reason will be over then disease will automatically be over.
As quoted above the medical authorities are on their task to overcome mental disease but no fruitful result has yet been obtained. Isn’t it that when efforts by human-beings fail then everybody, even doctors start saying that now remember God to help.
So, when we pay our attention towards the Vedas, knowledge of which emanates directly from God, we find that medical science owes its origin from vedas. Infact all aspects of medicines including fear psychosis of patients have been dealt in detail in vedas. Mantras of Rigved relate to fears and cure of patients having nervous disorders.
Rigved states when the mind affected by delusion wanders hither and thither and in unsettled state faces the sorrows etc. then by giving it some assurance and providing it with some treatment the patient is cured of mental disease.
Secondly, the mind of such a patient is indulged in worries and goes far beyond imagination. He baselessly starts thinking that God knows what will happen to him whether he would die, then the learned doctor must give him assurance that he will not die and he should not worry at all.
Doctor must continue necessary treatment for him. When the mind of such patient in delusion, while he is awake, starts talking baselessly about the celestial bodies like stars, planets etc. then his mind should be brought back and by giving him assurance of long life, his disease should be cured.
If the said patient starts thinking that he is on the top of a mountain and who would get him down, or he is in ditch and who will take him out or that he is in sandy earth or that he is in mud, then the patient should be given assurance that he has been escaped from the said problems.
So, he should be cured as said. When such a patient, in delusion thinks that he is swimming in the ocean or he is drowning in the sea then he should be taught pleasantly to negate his views and give assurance that he is alright and in this way, he should be cured.
If such a patient in delusion, takes interest in taking bath, drinking water and playing any game again and again then the doctor must assure him by giving him encouragement to make him healthy and peaceful.
The mind of psycho- patient when indulges in happenings that occurred in past and always keeps on thinking over the same matters and sometimes his mind starts imagining baseless matters of future happenings then the learned doctor should cure the patient by giving him several assurances so that the mind becomes calm and good health is maintained. However, it shall not be out of place to mention here that to force the psycho- patient to do practice of Yog philosophy is not feasible.
In the ancient times, Ashtang Yog philosophy was being practised, after performing the vedarambh sanskar between the age of 8-10 years, when the Brahmachari was in good health.
Secondly, the teacher of Yog philosophy used to be a learned Acharya of four Vedas and Ashtang Yog philosophy practically. Nowadays, above quoted both the conditions have been ignored and hence the problem.
However, if is required to be taught then atleast the aspirant must be having good health and must follow Vedas from which Ashtang Yog philosophy emanates. If the aspirant is having some disease, he should first try to cure the disease through medical advice.
Diseased person, if learns Yog philosophy, may face some diseases.
In view of the above, the psycho-patient must also not be forced to practise Yog philosophy till he is cured from the disease.
For example- If we ask a psycho-patient to do meditation and concentrate somewhere then you yourself think how will he do it because his concentration along with mind has already been disturbed.
Secondly, meditation is the seventh stage of Ashtang Yog philosophy. Before meditation, yam, niyam, asan, prannayaam, pratyahaar are required to be perfected which is impossible to be done by pshycho-patient.
Direct meditation can neither be done, nor is allowed to be done traditionally. So, God made traditions should not be violated.
You see, God has created the universe and in the beginning when non-sexual creation is born ignorant, then to make the same learned, God showers the mercy on us by providing us with the knowledge of four vedas wherein the matter right from blade of grass to Almighty God (Brahma), including medical science is preached. That is why, the psycho disease has also not been left untouched. The above is the guidance of God to cure the psycho diseases which should be kept in mind by all of us.
To our bad luck, nowadays people have ignored the vedas and hence the problem.
Actually, Yajurved mantra 7/29 states- ‘Who am I’
“What is my form”, “Whom do I belong to”, “What is my name”
The answer of first question is-
“I am soul and I am alive matter but not human body which is non-alive.”
Human-body consists of five senses, perceptions, mind and intellect. So, I being pure soul, do not indulge in illusion. My form is the purest form and I am immortal. I never fall sick. Its my mind, intellect and body etc which are damaged. So, the mind of psycho-patient is disturbed and not the soul but under the vedic law, the result of deeds is experienced by soul. So, soul duly indulged in illusion, thinks that he is ill etc. So, treatment of human-body, intellect and mind is required.
As told above, medical science which originates from Vedas very well advises to cure the diseases through a learned doctor but does not advise to treat the patient through practice of Ashtang Yog Philosophy. However, nowadays man-made tradition to cure the diseases by doing yoga practice is in vogue, which can’t be challenged but it is against the vedas.
Yog means realisation of God, so practice of Yam, Niyam, Asan, Prannayaam etc. is not a yog but is practice of a part of yog vidya.
No doubt, the practice of Yog philosophy cures several other diseases like B.P etc. but in that case the mind of said patients is not disturbed. However, fundamentally Yog Philosophy is not to cure the health (but it automatically improves the health.), it emanates from Vedas and is meant for realisation of God. As Yagyavalkya smriti states-
“Hirrannya garbhaha yogasya vakta” i.e. preacher of Yog philosophy is God Himself and not man.