Veeri for speedy disposal of issues of public importance

JAMMU : Minister for Revenue, Relief, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction, Abdul Rehman Veeri today stressed on speedy disposal of issues of public importance.

The Minister was speaking at a high level meeting of the department here. The meeting was attended by Financial Commissioner Revenue Lokesh Dutt Jha, Commissioner Secretary Revenue Mohammad Ashraf Mir, and Divisional Commissioner Jammu Pawan Kotwal.

The Minister further impressed on the officers to firm up their recommendations along with the solutions in a time bound manner for the benefit of the public.

Minister for Revenue, Relief Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Abdul Rehman Veeri stressed on the officers to seek periodical reports from the field officers about the timely land mutations in their respective areas.

“Land mutations should not be a cumbersome process for public. Revenue officials should facilitate the process effectively while Deputy Commissioners and SDMs should take periodical review of land mutation process in their respective areas to avoid unnecessary pendency of cases at any level,” he said.

The meeting further decided to conduct refresher training for the officers of the department during the one day conference to be organised on 25th of this month. Senior officers and retired old hands will update the officials about revenue laws and other functions of the department, the meeting decided.