Vegetarianism: Emerging lifestyle during Corona

Lalit Garg
For the freedom from the crisis of Corona epidemic, the eyes of the entire world are resting on India, the world’s trust in India’s culture and lifestyle is increasing. Because the basic values of life like yoga, non-violence, co-existence, vegetarianism, morality, moderation etc. have evolved in the soil of this country. Jainism and its philosophy especially in India have emerged as a solution in the current crisis of Corona, Jain muni bandage (muhpatti) on the mouth, which is embracing the whole world as a mask today. Social distance (isolation), isolation, and quarantine (solitude) are integral parts of the life of Jain monks and seekers today, becoming a strong base for corona liberation for the world. The prohibition of non-vegetarianism and alcoholism is also the basis of Jain lifestyle, whose increasing practice is the fundamental truth of freedom from corona catastrophe.
Amidst the havoc of the corona, the voices of change in food for the happy life and health of human beings are heard all over the world. The attitude towards meat is also changing; the world has become careful about the bad consequences of taking meat. It seems that the prevalence of vegetarianism will increase rapidly because even the Covid-19 virus, which has now caught the whole world, owes to the same carnivorous habit like many pandemics that spread in the last century. If you wrong someone, someone will wrong you. Non-veg is a bad habit that results in bad results.
Not only in India but in the world, due to the Corona epidemic, the urge to adopt vegetarianism will see unprecedented growth, as the trend for people to adopt vegetarianism had started increasing even before the corona epidemic. According to a survey conducted by the global research company Ipsos, before the Corona epidemic, 63 percent of Indians were adopting vegetarianism instead of non-vegetarian food in their food; in the US one and a half million people had become vegetarian. Ten and a half percent of the population of the Netherlands were vegetarian ten years ago, while currently five percent of the people there are vegetarian. According to the well-known Gallup poll, three thousand people were becoming vegetarian every week in England. Before Corona struck there, more than twenty five million people had become vegetarian. The shortness of life due to increasing diseases forced humans to adopt vegetarianism and now the big truth of the corona epidemic is that vegetarianism is an advanced lifestyle, safe diet, the basis of healthy life. Not only intellectuals but common people too have started considering vegetarian life system as more modern, progressive and scientific and they feel proud to call themselves vegetarian. Corona has further reinforced their thinking.
Doctors all over the world have considered vegetarian food the best for good health in the era of Corona. A balanced diet consisting of fruits, flowers, vegetables, different types of pulses, seeds and milk products etc. does not produce any toxic elements in the food and enables it to fight the corona virus. The main reason for this is that when an animal is killed it becomes a dead substance. This does not apply with vegetables. If a vegetable is cut in half and buried in the ground, then it will be produced again as a vegetable tree. Because it is a living substance. But this cannot be said for a sheep, lamb or a rooster.
Other specific discoveries have also revealed that when an animal is killed, it becomes so frightened that toxic elements emanating from the fear are spread all over its body, and those poisonous elements are in the form of meat from the bodies of those individuals In those who eat them, and such people are more prone to fear of corona, their immunity is weak. Our bodies are not capable of completely removing those poisonous elements. The result is that high blood pressure, heart and kidney disease, etc., engages carnivores quickly. Therefore, to get control of the corona epidemic, it is absolutely necessary that in terms of health, we should remain completely vegetarian. Nature has made man vegetarian by nature. No labourer is a carnivore, be it horse or camel, bull or elephant. Then why are humans taking the risk of causing worldwide diseases, deformities and corona epidemics by eating carnivores contrary to their nature?
Mark Rowlands, professor of philosophy at Miami University and author of books such as ‘Philosopher and the Wolf’ and ‘Animals Like Us’, has warned the world through his research on consciousness and animal rights that carnivorous corona may bring worse consequences than the epidemic will. They say that I think, people need to understand how much they have lost their lives by eating meat. It is not only increasing cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes and obesity, but is also causing many environmental problems, which is felt worldwide. Due to the carnivores, forests are being cut in a big way and a great crisis is being created for the earth.
Today, the corona epidemic is the biggest problem in the world; clouds of infection of this disease are overflowing all around. If they can be stopped, it’s only by the way of propelling human nature towards moderation and vegetarianism. In the last few years, a large number of vegetarians have been seen in western countries since new research has proved that vegetarianism is safer. Not only this, people have also come to understand that carnivores are not just the cause of diseases, but totally opposes the concept of healthy life, peace, environment, agriculture, morality and human values. It is also negative for the economy.